The Grand Finale

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A/N Soooo, this last chapter is 12 pages and 6,000 words long! Double the norm! Just a warning, I discovered that I am not very good at writing battle scenes, so please forgive me if they are poorly written or over too fast! I also took some liberty with type match ups, yes, a ground move hits a flying type at one point, but y'know, author power! I hope this answers everybody's questions, and wraps everything up nicely. So, without further ado, please enjoy the finale to Enter the Fans!

Disclaimer: I do not own Pokémon, the Pokémon Special/Adventure manga, Pink, Cobalt, or Cyan.

"Do you have any idea what happened with those two?" Blue asked Green, craning her neck to look at Ruby and Sapphire who were trudging along at the back of the group.

"No. Nor do I care." Green stated flatly.

"Oh come on, Greenie. You can't say that you're not at least a bit curious. Anyway, I for one want to know."

"Of course you do." Green sighed, and walked faster in an attempt to escape her.

Blue was not the only one puzzling over the strange event with the salamence, but the horde of rabid fans was a much more pressing issue. They had been climbing for a few hours since Blue and Yellow had spotted their pursuers beginning the climb, and the peak was slowly getting closer. The trees had thinned, and now only a few scraggly survivors clung to the harsh rocky slope. As they continued, ice began to creep up the face of the mountain.

"Hey, it's starting to get a little cold, don'cha think?" Pink said, trying to break the silence that had fallen over the group.

"Now that you mention it.." Crystal murmured, shivering in her shorts.

"Haha.. G-Green, I bet you're c-cold in that t-shirt.." Gold managed through chattering teeth. Green gave him a hard stare.

"Shut it Gold." Silver said.

"Y-you don't count S-Silver. Y-you have a f-fleece and pants." Gold replied, and stuck his tongue out.

"You've been here before though, so you should be used to it. Wimp." Silver said, pointedly.

"Hey guys, calm down." Red said, grabbing Gold's hood to prevent him from attacking Silver, "We should be there soon."

"Hey! I think I see the top!" Yellow shouted from the front of the group. The dex-holders rushed forward, eager for a respite.

"Hey." Sapphire growled, grabbing Ruby by the back of his newly repaired shirt.

"Watch it! You'll rip it again!" Ruby squealed, grabbing her wrist, "What do you want?"

"I want to know what happened back there." She said seriously, staring him down.

"What are you talking ab-"

"Don't play dumb wit' me!" Sapphire interrupted, "Stop with da lies already! Just hurry up and say that ya-"

"REMEMBER!" They both jumped at the voice that had come from a bush on their left. Pink was staring at them from inside of it.

"What the-" Ruby began, but was interrupted by yet another voice that came from the group of their seniors further ahead.

"Who are you?!" The voice, unmistakably Red's, asked. Ruby used the chance to make a run for it.

"Hey, Ruby!" Sapphire screamed and dashed after him. He stopped unexpectedly and she crashed into him. They both fell to the ground, where a layer of snow had been accumulating.

"Wally?" Ruby managed around a mouthful of it.

"Ruby?" The green-haired boy questioned, scanning the group in shock.

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