Things Get a Little Hectic

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A/N Okay, so poo goes down in this chapter! It might be the longest one yet! By, y'know, a few words.

Disclaimer: I don't own Pokémon, the Pokémon Adventures/Spacial manga, Cyan, Cobalt, or Pringles (Though I wish I did).

The dex-holders were bored.

Can you blame them? There were fifteen people crammed into one small house. Barely enough room to move around in, let alone have some privacy. And they had been trapped there for five days. Imagine, fifteen people in one house, barely any furniture (most of it was barricading the windows and doors), no alone time (Which was especially difficult for Green and Silver), and only one bathroom. Tension was running high, while food and morale were at an all time low. And to top it all off, there was nothing to do. Sapphire had already beaten every one of them at arm wrestling, Green had read every book the building had to offer, Crystal had checked and double-checked the machines, group games such as charades and mafia had exhausted themselves, and they wouldn't allow themselves to be conned into playing Truth-or-Dare with Blue in the house. For a lack of anything better to do, Ruby had made Blue's fanboys matching outfits. They were navy blue zipper hoodies that went over a gray shirt with white lettering that spelled out "Blueboy" on the back. Along with this were black sweatpants, and a gray beanie hat with a visor.

The only consolation of this ordeal would have been that the Prof. owned every T.V game console invented, but as it turned out, the television was broken. Gold and Red had actually broken down in tears at this heartrending discovery.

Yellow lay on the one couch that wasn't barricading the door, staring at the ceiling, the Blueboys, and the other pokédex holders in turn. She had to keep alternating what her vision rested on, otherwise she would go crazy. The others were sprawled across the small house in various locations and positions, except for the Blueboys, who were valiantly still sitting by the windows keeping watch. Sapphire was lying flat on the kitchen counter, Red and Gold copying her position on the living room rug. Crystal was sitting against the wall, twiddling her thumbs. She had been practicing her kicks, but that had been a bad idea in the limited space. Red was still holding a tissue to his nose in an attempt to stem the blood. Emerald was in a corner fiddling with his numerous gadgets, and Silver occupied the adjacent corner, staring into space. Ruby was sitting at the kitchen table with his pokémon, making them new outfits and applying liberal amounts of makeup to their faces. He seemed to be the only one capable of entertaining himself.

Green had retreated to the only bedroom in the house, and tried to pretend that there was actually a door separating him from the others. He wouldn't let anyone else come in. As for Blue, well, she was the one worrying them all the most. It was a situation like this that she would usually pull one of her ridiculous 'shipping' schemes. Yellow shot a nervous glance towards the machine that Blue was sitting with her back against. Her eyes were closed, but Yellow was almost positive that she wasn't asleep.

"I'm hungry." A voice muttered from the floor, "Pass me some food, Wild Girl." It was Gold. He stuck a hand in the air, waiting for her to pass him something edible. Sapphire pulled herself up with a groan, and awkwardly opened the cabinet door (which was difficult, because she was lying underneath the cabinet itself). She felt around for a minute, and then said grumpily,

"There ain't nothin' in here. We're outta food." She slumped dejectedly back onto the counter. Blue's eyes snapped open. The room went quiet, all the attention now nervously on her.

"Well then!" She began, cheerily, "We'll have to go shopping for some food, won't we?" Everyone in the room went completely still, wondering what she was up to.

"Let's see now, Green, Ruby, Sapphire and I will go fetch some food! The rest of you, stay put. Okay bye~!" She grabbed the three that she had listed, and released blastoise, who shoved some furniture out of the way. Then she leapt out a window, dragging Ruby, Sapphire and Green along with her. The rest stared after them.

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