One Insane Rendezvous

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Disclaimer: I don't own Pokémon, or the Pokémon Special manga.

Sometime slightly in the past...

Raquelle sat on the ground, her legs crossed beneath her, and looking a bit crazed. Stray hairs were sticking out from her usually smooth ponytail, and her eyes were bloodshot and devoid of expression. She had lost him.. again. She smiled grimly. At least this time she knew where he was going. She stood slowly, not bothering to brush the dirt off her pant legs, and looked around her. Her girls were lying about, despondent looks plastering their faces. Suddenly, her eye caught something approaching the group from the distance. Squinting she made out a large group of people making their way closer to her entourage. She watched until the lead girl was standing before her, and they looked each other over with suspicious eyes.

"...I'm Erin." The girl said.

"Raquelle." She answered.

"We've come from Hoenn. Fans." Erin gestured to her group, a mix of girls and boys.

"Kanto and Johto. Likewise." Raquelle answered. The beginnings of a smile working their way into her features.

"I have members of the Sapphire fanboy group, the Emerald fangirl group and the Ruby fangirl group that want the Hoenn trio to be separated." Erin said.

"Ditto. And I know where all the dex-holders are going." Raquelle replied. Erin smiled grimly.

"I believe we can work together."

"Likewise." And the two shook hands.

"You all! Get up! We're walking to Goldenrod, double time!" Raquelle yelled to her group, and Erin waved at her group to do the same.

"I'm coming Greenie." Raquelle whispered, her eyes crazily fixed on the outline of Goldenrod far in the distance.


Present time

"Goldenrod." Green relaxed slightly as the words left his mouth, watching the street come closer as charizard began to fly lower. Behind him, Blue heaved a sigh of relief. Charizard touched down, and they dismounted. They both glanced down the street.

"Sooo... Where do you think they are? It's not like we have much time to look for everyone." Blue said. Green began walking down the street.

"Hey! Wait up!" Blue yelled at him, and followed.

"You jerk! Why'd you just wander off like that?" She began berating him as she jogged to catch up.

"What did you see that- oh." She murmured, as Green stopped in front of a building with lots of neon lights and a sign proclaiming 'Game Corner' on it.

"If we're looking for some of our group this is our best bet." Green stated, and opened the door.

"Sure. And it has nothing to do with the fact that you're really good at slot machines." Blue muttered to herself as she followed him through the door. The inside of the building was crammed with slot machines, roulette, and assorted card tables. The lighting was dim, and colorful flashes from the animated displays on the slots briefly illuminated the interior. Blue noticed Green glancing sideways at them, grabbed his arm, and forcefully yanked him closer towards her.

"Now is not the time to win another Porygon mister." She hissed in his ear.

"Pesky woman." He sighed, but nodded in agreement all the same.

"Now, we just have to find Gol-" She stopped.

"Well, that was easy." Commented Green.

Gold was standing at the only pool table in the whole joint, laughing his head off with his arms slung around the shoulders of two girls, who were giggling away at some joke that he had evidently just made. There was a large group of people crowding around the area, and the Blueboy Jay was holding all of Gold's winnings. In a large shopping cart. That was full to the brim. Jay suddenly caught sight of Blue. His eyes widened, his mouth fell open, and he immediately flung himself to her feet.

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