Honeymoon avenue

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*Nialls POV*

I was sitting with the boys in the airport.

'Guys guess what?' I said

'You are hungry... again'

I laughed 'You know me too well. Want anythin'?'

Lou stood up 'I'll come with you'

We got the food and on our way back started talking about stuff we reckon Samuel L. Jackson would say.

'Who drank all the kool-aid?' Louis did his best impersonation

'Who ate all the chicken?' I laughed

'Thats not Samuel L. Jackson. Thats you!' I cackled at Lou

We came back and took our seats. Zayn was rambling on about how excited he was. 'And guess who'll be there?' Silence 'Guess!!'

'We dont know!!' Harry yelled.

'This super gorgeous singer, Ariana Grande' ...

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