Gimme some loving

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A.N if you haven't noticed, all the titles are songs that Ariana or One Direction made or did covers of, so if it seems like a strange title, now you'll now why. Please comment or vote, it would mean a lot. I would also love if you could give me ideas on who you think should be together and what should happen. Thanks xx

Liams POV

I was texting my sister, Ruth, when I heard shouting from Lou's room.

I ran in. Later joined by Zayn. All we could see was Ariana sitting against the wall, looking terrified, and Niall and Lou in a massive fight. Zayn leaped across the bed, escorting Ariana out of the room. She had obviously been crying, but she still looked amazing.

Harry then walked in sleepily 'Vas happenin'?'

'You knew I liked Ariana!'

'I got lost in her eyes!'

'That's what they all say'

'Well I did. She said that you agreed with Demi when she said Ari was and Italian bitch'

'I was just angry!'

'Why?! What did she do?'

'She rejected me. I asked her out 3 years ago and she said no. It took me 3 years to work up the nerve to ask her out again and she said no. And now suddenly, your so perfect she can kiss you, and you have a girlfriend!'

'Have you asked Ariana why she won't go out with you? Instead of getting crazy just ask her!'

'I came up here to apologise!' Niall looked as if he wanted to say more, but he was speechless. He walked out, with his head drooping.

'What did you do?' I asked

'I..' He pulled a face 'kissed her?' I facepalmed. He started talking quickly 'But it was only a little kiss and you know her eyes, they are so enticing..'

Harry was only starting to wake up 'like mine?' He winked at Louis. Lou rolled his eyes.

'You kissed Ariana?' I was still in shock, I was kind of annoyed he did this to Niall, but also kind of glad he was becoming kind of gross like me.

Louis jumped on the bed 'I think,' Harry began.

'Oh no..' i said

'No wait! This is good. I think, you, should apologise to Niall, and Ari... and Zayn.'

'Thats good for you?' I hit Harry across the back of the head.

He was so messed up.

'Ok.' Louis said. He apologised to Zayn, who forgave him, even Niall forgave him. But Ari was nowhere to be found.

We all looked everywhere. Harry couldn't find Ariana's stuff in her room. All we found was a cut handwritten note which read:

"I'm sorry guys, It was a mistake to come here. I'm sorry for what I did to you.

Zayn- your amazing and you deserve better than me. I love you, please forgive me.

Liam- Your disgusting, but I love you.

Lou- I'm really sorry. Your great, I bet Elanor thinks so too.

Harry- I hope you don't miss me too much. I'll definetely miss you.

Niall- I bet you'll find someone new, someone awesome, to share your nandos with (or keep it to yourself and get them a salad) and I just want you to remember, that I-ee-I will alwayss lurv youuu.

XO Ariana"

Love hurts, and healsOù les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant