Rock Me (Jai's party)

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A.N sorry I haven't updated in forever, I was just banned from my computer and then my parents switched off the wifi. Its been a long week, and now I have writers block, great. I tried, you guys, I tried.

Jais POV

I couldn't believe ONE DIRECTION was coming to MY party. It was kinda crazy but I guess I had Ari to thank. If she wasn't coming the guys wouldn't either. I don't know how they know each other, but they seemed close. Especially with that blonde one, with the Irish accent.

I called Ari and she agreed to meet me at the club. She arrived looking stunning, all dressed up in a dark outfit. (Ariana's outfit is in the external link and Nialls should be on the same page)

'Hey Jai. Did you want balloons or are they a liitle, i don't know...'


'No. Childish is the best way to be. I mean... er... tacky'

'Yes, no balloons'

Ariana started to strut away 'Ari wait'

She turned around and we kissed.

'Jai go get ready, the partys in an hour'

'Alright babe'

Nialls POV

I got kind of... mental when it came to Ari. I bought her a minnie mouse necklace and got dressed in a tuxedo with a bow tie and Harry came down the stairs.

'Aah Nialler, you don't want your crushie wushie Ariana to think your desperate! It's a casual party!'

'First of all...' I started putting one finger on another in sync with my counting. Harry and the guys always mocked me when I did this. 'Ariana is not my "crushie wushie" and second of all, what should I wear then?'

Harry sighed and led me into his room and picked out a casual outfit which I changed into and looked sick. 'Thanks Haz!'

'Noo woories Brah'

I ran out of the door and into the limo.

'Good evening Mr. Horan'

'Oh hey man. What's up'

'I am well, and yourself?'

'I'm feeling kind of awesome today' I did a little dance.

'Are your friends ready to leave?'

'Oy guys! Get your arses in here!' I screamed and turned back around to face Nick.

'What is the adress sir?'

'39 Hallerman avenue. And you can just call me Niall, bro.'

'If you so wish, Niall'

The guys ran into the car and we headed off to the party.

----AT THE PARTY----

The music was crazy loud and there were heaps of girls dancing. Jai better not hook up with anyone, he better not break her heart.

'Ariana!' I screamed as soon as I saw her. I've been looking for her, now I can see her... and she looks gorgeous.

'Hey guys!' Ari toddled over in her high heels.

'Ari! You look fantastic!' Harry beat me to it.

'Aaw Harry, you are so sweet!' Ariana hugged him and kissed him on the cheek.

'Hey Li!' they hugged each other.

'Zaynie!' Ariana practically fell on Zayn, she was finding it hard to walk in those heels.

'L-L-L-L-Louis' Ariana did a little dance similar to my car dance.

'Hey beautiful' Louis kissed Ari on the cheek. 'I met your friend Leoni! She is amazeballs and gorgtastic and fablouis! Oh I shouldn't say fablouis but seriously she is so awesome its crazy'

'I'm glad! NIALL! How are you?! Holy crap I have missed you so much! Why didn't you answer my calls?!  Hey I also have a girl you might like to meet! I don't know her but Jai said she is awesome.'

'Umm, well you really don't have to'

'No come! I bet you guys will really hit it off! COME!!'

'Ok, ok!' Ariana led me by the hand, which I blushed for eternity about, i don't know how Ariana managed to make a man blush, but I did, and over to a tall, skinny and tanned girl. She was beautiful, but not as beautiful as Ariana.

She bored me for a while, with her take on which relationships should happen on gossip girl. As I turned away to yawn, I noticed Jai making out with Ari. Gross! But then I looked closer, and it wasn't Ariana. Ari was walking around when she pushed past Jai and this other chick, and then slowly turned to see her boyfriend and some blonde bimbo making out.

She lifted her hand to slap him, and then put it back down and ran off. I chased after her. Jai didn't even stop kissing that girl. Son of a bitch.

'Ariana! Are you ok?'

'Do you think I'm ok, Niall? I just saw my..' Ari sniffled.

'I know. Its ok' I reached out to hug her. She fell into my arms.

She sniffled into my chest and I embraced her.

'I love you Niall'

'You what?'

'I am in love with you! I have been for 5 years'

'Well... then... why did you-'

'I rejected you because I didn't want anything to ruin our friendship Niall. Because our friendship brought me happiness when everything else was terrible. Like a slither of sunshine on a stormy day.'

I moved my mouth but nothing came out.

Ariana looked at me and kissed me. I just stood there motionless.

'I'm sorry! This was a big mistake. Thankyou Niall, I'm leaving' Ariana walked off.

'Ariana' I dug into my pocket

Ari turned slowly. 'What? Do you hate me? I'm sorry. I ruined our friendship and I'm sorry!'

'No Ariana! I love you too' I pulled out the necklace. She gasped and held her hand over her mouth.

I smiled and then leaned down to kiss her. She stood on her tippy toes and kissed back.

A.N I kinda don't know where to go from here. I might make a sequel about idk marriage and baby etc. if i get over 3 more votes on this story by next month. K bai, vote, comment and stuff. xx

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