One thing

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Nialls POV

I couldn't help but think about what zayn said, about Ariana. How does Zayn know Ari? Did he check my phone? Even if she changed her number, I kept her number, for 3 and a half years, and didn't change mine, in case she called me.

She probably doesn't even know who I am, and I'm keeping her number, flinching at every mention of her name.

We all walked down to starbucks to get a drink, but I wasn't thirsty. Just hungry.

It was open mic night and all the boys asked me to go up, but that would be embarassing.

Arianas POV

'Yeah Ariana! Go!' Colleen chanted

'Doo itt' Lex echoed

'Ok! I'll do it! What song should I do?' I don't know how the girls convinced me to do a performance in open mic night, I loved singing but everyone would just be looking at me like I'm crazy.

'Vienna ' 'Do One Thing'  'The way!!!'

'I'm going to do' i began, ignoring all their stupid requests 'a thousand years by Christina Perrie'

I watched a boy sing a song about the word asdfghjkl and then they called me up.

Nialls POV

We were all watching the open mic as we sipped on our coffee (i sipped on ma tea)

'I really like that song about asdfghjkl!' Liam said. We all just rolled our eyes, except for Lou.

'Right?! It was da bomb!' Lou and Liam did their 'secret' handshake. I remembered when me and Ariana had a secret handshake.

The Piano started to play, i remember Ariana playing this song, but she never sang. She was too embarrassed. I looked up at the mic. I saw the most gorgeous girl I've seen in my life.

Zayn said 'Wow' but I could barely speak. And that was before she even started singing.

'She has something about her' I looked at Zayn.

Harry whispers 'She's got that one thing, so get up, ge-'

'oh shut up Harreh!' Lou exclaims.

Harry replies 'Wheres da love brotha?!'

She started singing, it was amazing. Who was she? The song finished. I walked up to her. Her friends started freaking out, but she looked like she had no idea who I was.

'Hi, I'm Niall Horan and that performance was fantastic!'

She smiled 'Hey Niall, I'm Ariana Grande'

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