Sweet life

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Arianas POV

I woke up, my dainty hand laying on a tanned and tatooed set of abs with my head laying against a bony shoulder. I lifted my head suddenly, awaking the tall figure.

'Oh hello love'

'Harry! Oh I'm so sorry!' I looked around. The room was cute with family photos taped to the walls. I looked at Harry, carefully removing my hand from his chest and dropped my legs to the floor.

'Where are you off to beautiful?' Harry said in a charming and beautiful british accent.

'Oh' I looked around again 'Do you have a shower?'

Harry grinned 'yep. In there. There isn't a door but i promise i wont look'

I shook my head and walked to the bathroom 'If you promise...'

'Please. THAT would be GROSS'

I giggled and stared at him until he twised and dug his head into the pillow.

I ran the water and started to undress, happily knowing i had an outfit in my bag.

Harrys POV

'Zayn! Get up! Zayyynnn!! I'll get Liam to jump on you!' I Niall heard shouting from another room

'Ok! Ok! I'm up! Happy valentines day mate.'

I lifted my head. I could barely breathe in that pillow. I turned around you couldn't see much but all I saw was perfect, tanned and slim and heard the voice of an angel '8 seconds left all the time, he's on my mind, on my minnnddd. He's on my mi-ind. Everyone says im in over my head, im over my..'

I decided to get up and get some brekkie. I slipped out without Ariana noticing and jogged downstairs.

Liam smiled while flipping eggs 'ello, your up! Want some egg?'

'Where's Ariana?' Zayn and Niall said in unison

Lou looked at them and waited 'Jinx! You both owe me a cuppa tea coz I said jinx first'

Zayn rolled his eyes and Niall said 'Damn. If I had said it, I would of made you get me a life time supply of Nandos!' Niall pointed at Zayn. Zayn pushed it away 'Ariana?'

'Oh she's upstairs having a shower.'

Liam turned around 'A shower?'

'You sick faggot Liam' Niall said.

Liam turned on the ultimate rapeface

'Oh No!' Niall said through fits of laughter

'Its rapeface time!' he hummed bass music behind his epic title

'When do you think she will get out?' Zayn questioned anxiously

'Calm down, she'll get out soon' Lou rolled his eyes

No boubt secretly everyone was waiting for Ari to get out.

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