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My work day was dragging by. My shift ends in 15 mins well at least I thought it would until he was rushed in covered in blood.
"Rachel you're needed in the back for a emergency surgery."'doctor Evans voice echoed through the empty hallway of mount Stuart hospital. I ran to the back room put on my safety gear and pushed open the big steal doors. When I opened the door he was laid out on the table. Every inch of his body covered in blood. His face was so swollen I couldn't tell who the person was.
"Rachel I want you to start cleaning him off especially his face." Doctor Evans was the best of the best. If you're in his hands you'll be better in no time his has a magic touch.
"I also want you to to remove the glass from his face then stitch it up when your finished." He added.
After four hours of surgery were finished. I'm staying over night to finish his paper work. His name was Christopher Martin but goes by Chris, He was in a head on collision and was thrown out the front window. He was the only person who was seriously injured in the accident.
It was around 1 am when doctor Evans came in and assigned me to Chris and his main nurse.
"Rachel I'm switching you over to Chris as his main nurse, you seem to have a more flexible schedule that will suit Chris's time here." He smiled handing me his care instructions. I went into to his room to check his motors and stuff like that.
"Are you my nurse?" He asked
"Yes my name is Rachel I'm your main nurse you have another nurse that will do all your test when doctor Evans asks us to do so." I said switching out his IV bag.
"So what's the first thing on the agenda?" He asked taking a sip of his water
"Well since its late at night and you came out of surgery like 6 hours ago we want you to get some rest."
"But I'm not tired." He argued "tell me about yourself I need a friend." He smirked. I pulled a chair over and sat next to him.
"Where are you from?"
"New Orleans." I answered
"Like in Louisiana." He asked.
"No the hotel in Vegas". I joked while taking his blood pressure. "Don't talk or move till its done." He just rolled his eyes. I took off the blood pressure band off and wrote it down.

"So why did you come over here? You're a long way from home."

"I wanted to become a nurse and the hospitals in the states aren't the best. Doctor Evans is the best and I wanted to work with him."

"Do you have a boyfriend?"

"No I don't have time my patients take up my time and I love every minute of it."

"Well when I learn how to walk again maybe I can take you out."

"Maybe, now get some rest before I get in trouble for keeping you up late." I smiled walking out the room.

"Excuse me, when can he have visitors?" A man asked with a beard and a bald head.

"Maybe tomorrow morning? I can get your name for the security detail." I knew his name it was Will Champion the drummer of Coldplay! I just didn't want to sound crazy.

"Will Champion." He smiled.

"Thank you, your pass will be at the front desk tomorrow morning, Just ask for Rachel." He nodded his head and disappeared down the hallway. My nights at the hospital are pretty laid back, since I only have Chris to worry about and the old man, of course. I check on both of them before they goto sleep and while their sleeping just to make sure nothing goes wrong.

"Go home get some rest." Doctor Evans said covering my computer screen.

"I'm not tired." I laughed.

"Rachel you're one of my best nurses on call I can't have you in a hospital bed."

"I'm simply not tired." I mumbled with a English accent.

"Eh you're getting better. Now go home." He added. I finally gave in and packed up my stuff.

"What time do I come in?" I asked tapping my fingers on the desk.

"9 I'll call if there's a emergency."

"Goodnight Doctor."

"Goodnight nurse."

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