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*3 weeks later*

"Pain levels?" I smiled pointing at the board.

"Zero." He giggled.

"You're face looks good no swelling. I can actually see the color of your eyes." I quickly wrote down his pain level. Chris is doing really good. In the accident he really didn't injure his legs. The surgery was just to remove the glass that was in his legs. His right hand was smashed, Dr. Evans basically reconstructed his right hand.

"Do you want to stand up for me?"

"Yeah but I'm gonna need help." He sighed. I grabbed his waist and helped him up.

""Do you feel light headed?" I asked keeping my eye on his heart rate and facial expression.

"No I feel fine." He smiled and sat back down.

"Don't get too comfortable, I need to wrapped your arm and cover the bandage on your leg. It's time for a bath." I laughed as I watched him blush. "I'll be out of your hair tomorrow, and you'll be at home with nurses and physical therapist."

"I can't wait to be in my own bed." He gushed over sleeping in his own bed. I guided him over to the bathroom and help him into the shower.

"You know the drill push the button for assistance." I closed the shower curtain and walked back to the nurses station. I sat down at my desk and seen a envelope from Dr. Paul Evans. I opened it and found two tickets for Muse.

"What is this?" I asked throwing them down on his desk.

"Tickets." He grinned. 

"For muse back home."

"Just say thank you."

"I'm not taking these Paul, if I wanted to see Muse back in Nola (New Orleans) I would've asked my brother." I was so annoyed. Ever since he came on to me in the supply closet, he's been surprising me with gifts.

"You leave tonight just have fun." He handed me the tickets and pushed me out his office.

"I hate you." I mumbled.

"Love you too." He giggle closing the door behind me. The buzzer went off in my pocket it was Chris. I ran to his room and busted through the door.

"I'm finished." He turned off the water. "Are you okay?"

"I thought you fell." I grabbed a towel and handed it to him.

"Over the past couple of weeks you've gotten to know a lot about me including body parts." He laughed.

"If you're asking me to get naked you done lost your mind." 

"Ms. Brees jumping to conclusions."

He got dressed and ate his dinner. A couple of friends stopped by for a hour and stayed with him. When my patients have visitors I try to give them space. But it can be challenging at times because you always have to keep an eye out for them just in case something goes.

"Joey will cover your shift. Better get home and pack." Dr. Evans mentioned as he walked by.

"Ok I'll let Chris know." Got up and walked to his room. "Sorry to interrupt but Chris I'm heading back to Nola so Joey will be your full time nurse till you leave tomorrow."

"Have a good trip. Thank you for saving my life." He smiled.

"Without you I wouldn't be here to save yours."

I leave in one hour, I dropped harpoon off at a cat hotel now I'm heading back home to finalize everything. I decided to call my brother to see who will be picking me up tomorrow when I land.

"Hey Drew!" I yelled into the phone.

"Hey kiddo." He laughed. "What time does your flight land?"

"I think 7 your time."

"Ok I might be able to get you after practice, if not I'll have Brit come get you." My brother is the quarterback for the New Orleans Saints. He is the Drew Brees.

"That's fine. So I heard Kenny is on the team now?" Kenny was my ex boyfriend I met him back in college. We broke up when I moved to London. He wasn't happy about my choice. He wanted me to be a "football wife".

"Yeah he's amazing, gifted wide receiver."

"I'm glad he serving you good." I sighed.

"Rach, you have to get over him."

"It's not that simple. Look I have to go."

"Don't hang-." I ended the call and walked into the front door of my house. Thinking of Kenny made me nauseous. What will I do when I see him? Forget the muse concert I'm going to a saints game! I need to see him. I want to hear what he has to say for himself.

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