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*Rachel's POV*

"Joe, should I surprise him at home or in the studio? He basically lives in the studio and I'm only here for a couple of days." Joe's eyes were glued to the screen as he played some video game.

"Joe!" I yelled and he quickly hit pause and turned towards me.

"The studio, have the boys help."

"I don't need help I'll just call him now." I started to reach for the phone.

"Wait it's like really late in NOLA right now he'll question you." Joe grabbed his controller and continued playing.

"I'll just got now I miss his face so much." I moaned. "His cute little face." I smiled and grabbed my phone and go an Über.

"My ride will be here in five minutes in just gonna wait outside. See you later Joe." I closed the front door and waited on the brick wall. A couple of minutes later a black BMW pulled up and I walked towards it. The man rolled down the window and smiled.

"Rachel?" He asked and I nodded my head. He got out and opened the car door. He looked so familiar but I couldn't figure out where I seen him before. I say in the back seat and looked out the window. I quickly looked over to the left and seen papers sitting on the seat next to me. On the top it said Mr. And Mrs. Evans and my heart stopped. I didn't know what else to do so when he stop at the red light I opened the car door and ran out.

"Rachel! Come back, we can at least talk about it. " he rolled down the window and yelled out to me. I knew if I came back I'd see him. I stopped at just breathed. After catching my breath I started my way to the bakery. I wasn't far so walking didn't bother me.

When I got there, Will was outside on the phone. He hugged me and waved me on in. I walked in and he was sitting at the piano. I slowly walked towards him and wrapped my arms around him and kissed him. He jumped slightly and turned his head.

"Hey what are you doing here?" He asked and hugged me.

"I told you I wasn't gonna be without you for long." I laughed.

"You did you surprise me. For a minute I thought it was Guy so I kinda froze."

"Baby." I mumbled and kissed him. I missed this man so much it was unreal. "How much longer is this gonna take?" I asked looking down at his notepad filled with music.

"The rest of the night." He looked at me and replied with confidence in his voice.

"Stop messing with me." I rolled my eyes. "Well if it is going to take the rest of the night I guess I'll go back to Nola." I added walking out the door.

"Wait! I'm done I'm done." He quickly closed his book and the piano and followed me out the door. He drove is back to his house and ordered takeout. "What throwback artist tonight?"

"None I wanna watch pretty woman." I laid my head on his lap looking at television.

"Really?" He asked with a strange look on his face.


"Nothing, most likely we won't end up watching the movie." He was basically whispering.

"What are you trying to say?" I got up and looked him in the eyes. "Do you wanna smash or something?" I added. He nearly choked on his water. That was my hood side he wasn't used to.

"Smash?" His eyes widen.  I sat on his lap and wrapped my legs around his waist. "Like this." I mumbled into his lips and took off his shirt. I drew little circles on his chest as we kissed.

"Chris! Sorry I forgot my phone charger." Will obliviously walked in. Chris tossed me to the other side of the couch.

"No it's cool." He cleared his throat. His voice was deeper then ever.

"Ahhh here it is." Will smiled. " see you later." He walked out the front door.

"Baby you're blushing." I laughed. "Oh my goodness." I smiled and kissed his cheek.

"He never walks in like that." He rubbed his forehead.

"No it's cool." I mocked him. He just looked at me. "I so sorry." I laughed.

"Play the movie." He handed me the remote and laid back. "Smash." He mumbled and laughed.

Lost!Tempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang