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*two months later*

"Are you sure about this? LA is far from the south."

"Drew you tell me this every day. You're not going to change my mind. I'm already here I just have to unpack." I started moving boxes around. "It's gonna be so cute!" I smiled looking at every corner thinking of the possibilities that could happen in this little apartment. Chris has been busy with his own personal life with his kids and stuff we haven't really been able to talk much. Maybe a FaceTime call every once and a while but not for long.

"Look when you play the LA rams I'll be at every game. I'll come home for the holidays, birthdays. And if you goto to super bowl I'll be there." I smiled. "Most likely that won't happen but just in case."

"Outta line." Drew shot a look from the other side of the room. I just laughed. "Defense needs some work. And you know what the critics are saying about you."

"Yes that I'm getting old but aren't we all?" He laughed and brought the box of dishes to the kitchen. "When is Joe coming?"

"He's at the store picking some things up. The only thing I have left to unpack is the kitchen but I see you're doing that. All these boxes are his." I said pushing them towards his room. "I have the kitchen covered go do you thing." Drew smiled as he started putting the plates away.

My room was pretty much done. I just needed to clean up. I sat down on the corner of my bed and messed on my phone. While sitting there I felt something move and I felt to hand grab my waist.

"Frank Sinatra tonight?" I quickly looked back and seen Chris.

"Baby you scared the shit outta me!" I quickly turned towards him and attacked his face with kisses. "I missed you so much." I mumbled into his lips.

"Let me finish up here and we can relax and listen to Sinatra. Sounds good?"

"That's fine love, I'll go grab some food." Chris smiles and kisses my forehead.

"Chick fil a?" I smiled real big.

"Fine." He chuckled and walked out the room. " I'll text you my order cutie." I laughed and started to make the bed. I was so excited to finally have him tonight. To finally be with him it's been so long. I felt like I was missing a limb without him.

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