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I've been home for a week now. Communication between Dr. Evans and I is basically Invisible. Maybe he finally got the message. I'm on my way to Chris' house to hangout for a while. Since he was released from the hospital, I haven't seen him since. And I really miss talking to him.

Kenny: Cant sleep talk to me sweets.

Me: Whats up doll?

Kenny: missing you, and just stressed out about the team.

Me: I miss you too but you have too get some sleep. and don't worry about the team, y'all did great on Sunday.

Kenny: Thank you, can't wait to see you again.

poor thing he's head over heels and I'm not feeling it.

Me: likewise, look I have to go I'm visiting a friend.

The driver pulled into Chris' driveway. He opened my door and help me out. I smiled to say thank you. I walked up to the front door and knocked. When he opened the door he was wearing sweats and a white V neck. He had a leg brace on and his arm was in a sling.

"longtime no see Rachel!" he smiled as he welcomed me in."

"Ah Chris I missed that sweet face of yours."

He shut the door behind me and I sat on the couch in the living room. He had papers scattered on the coffee table and his song book sat close to the edge.

"I can see you've been working on the new album?" I asked picking up a paper with Always in my head as the title.

"Yeah, my divorce and my hospital stay helped me with this one." he smiled pointing at the paper in my hands.

"What does the hospital have to do with it?"

He grinned "One of my nurses helped me escape reality with her beautiful personality." I looked down at the paper and blushed as I read the lyrics.

"You really havent slept?" I joked.

"Umm.. no some nights are worse than others."

"What keeps you up at night?" as he opened his mouth to speak my purse dumped out all over the floor. We both bent down to clean it up. Well Chris tired to bend down.

"God, I'm so sorry I'm making a mess." I whispered in embarrassment.

"Don't worry about it." He smiled placing my wallet back in my bag. As we both stood up our eyes locked. We sat there for a minute just looking into each others eyes.

"Pain levels?" I managed to spit out in a whisper.

"10." He whispered looking into my eyes.

"What's hurting you?"

"The fact that you're not mine." He replied handing me my bag. My heart literally stopped. I couldn't breathe. The man who saved my life, my idol wants me to be his. I panicked.

"I have a boyfriend." I blurted out. He quickly looked away. Rachel what the hell.

"I'm sorry I should've known, a beautiful girl like you just doesn't go to America and come back single."

"I'm not gorgeous. Chris, I'm not beautiful."

"Yes you are, everyone has something about them that's makes them beautiful." He smiled.

"Why are you so wise?"

"The crash knocked some sense in me." He laughed rubbing the back of his neck.

"I have this friend back home. When she was younger she dated the star of the college football team. They both wanted something else in life. She broke it off between them to be with her first 'love' but then she found out the one she loved loved someone else. She went back home a couple of year later and decided to light that fire again with the football star. Only because she was hurting from the married man and has feelings for another." I explained watching his face. I sound like a complete hoe. Why was I so foolish.

"If yo- she's not happy with the football star, she needs to find her happiness in someone/something else. She's deserves to be happy." Oh god he totally knows that my 'Friend' is me. Rachel Kathryn Brees is the 'Friend'.

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