He Gets Jealous

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John Cena

WWE had decided to put you in a storyline. No questions asked, you said yes. Who would pass up the opportunity to be in a new and upcoming storyline? No one. That's who.

You received your script the following day, which was Monday. The day you were to start the storyline.

You read the script and were surprised to find out it was a romance storyline. And out of all people, creative choose Kevin Owens of all people to be your love interest.

As soon as you knew, you went to your boyfriend, John and told him the situation.

Normally, John is cool-headed about everything and is completely understanding, but you soon noticed that wasn't the case.

John had his jaw clenched, fists balled, and muscled flexed.

You noticed the strange body language almost immediately.

You confronted him on it and he acted a bit strangely.

"Are you okay, babe?" you asked worriedly.

"Peachy." he replied, not really looking at you.

"If you don't want me to do the storyline, I won't do it." You told, "If this makes you this uncomfortable, I won't do it."

He stared at you for a moment, then finally let out a sigh.

"You should do it. I know it will further you in your career. Who am I to stop you?"

He leaned forward and kissed you.

"Just don't enjoy it too much, okay?"

"Okay." You replied with a smile, "It's cute that you were jealous though."

Brock Lesnar

You and Layla had just finished up practicing in the ring, but you still felt like you needed to be in the ring longer.

While Layla left and went back to her hotel room, you stayed running the ropes.

You felt as if you needed to improve yourself. As soon as the Bella storyline was over, you had a chance to be in and you wanted to be the best.

"(Hey, (y/n)! Mind if I wrestle with you for a bit?"

You looked outside of the ring and saw Seth sitting there with a smirk.

He was at the top and you wanted to get there. Who better to wrestle with?

"Sure." You added on a smile.

He got in the ring and you wrestled for about half an hour until you were tired out.

You thanked him for the workout and went back to your hotel room.

Upon arriving, you immediately stripped down with the intention of taking a shower.

Grabbing some clothes, you walked to bathroom, but were stopped about halfway by your boyfriend, Brock calling your name.

"(Y/n) what's going on?" He asked looking at his phone intently.

"What do you mean?" You questioned, confused.

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