Oblivious To My Problems

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{ Kimari's POV }

You know what's harder than raising a baby on your own? Raising a baby AND a 16 year old boy that acts like he has no home training. I understand that being all rich and famous comes with maids and chefs and whatever but did he really have to make my apartment look like a tornado hit it?

I can't lie though. He's great with Leda. Even better than I am with her. But I won't admit that to him. Right now he's in the living room playing with Leda while I'm washing the dishes in the kitchen. When I finish I dry my hands on the towel on the stove and join them in the living room.

" Guess who's turning 1 in a month? You are!", he says in baby tone. Leda coos and wiggles her head in response. They are too cute. I laugh a little and Jacob picks Leda up, puts her on his lap and sits next to me on the couch. "What's so funny?", he smiles.

" Nothing.", I say while picking at a spot on my jeans. Things get kinda quiet except for the constant cooing and wiggling of Leda. Not the 'bad' kind of silence though, like the good, 'we don't need words because we know how each other feel' kind of silence. The silence I like. It's quickly shattered when Jacob says

" So what are we gonna do for Leda's birthday?". I shrug. " I was thinkin' we could have a birthday party."

" You got some 'birthday party' money?", I said under my breath.

" Huh?"

" Nothing.", I smile and rest my head on his shoulder.

" I heard that.", he sat Leda on the floor and watched her attempt to stand on her own, using the small table as support. He then tuned his attention back to me and said " And I might have some money coming in.", I was a little skeptical about this.

" What? Did your credit card get turned back on?", I meant this as a joke but I guess he took it literal because I felt his shoulder tense up. I stood up and stretched. " I'm just playing with you.", his shoulders relaxed and I went back to the kitchen and looked though the cabinets. " Are you hungry?"

" No I ate at work.", Did he just say work?

" Wait, you were serious?"

" Why wouldn't I be?", I went back to looking for something to eat. Let's see. Tuna, no. Hamburger Helper? Eh... an open jar of peanut butter? What? I threw the jar away. Who knows how long its been in there like that.

I finally gave up on finding anything that I would like so I went to the coat rack and grabbed my spring, black leather jacket. I put it on and lightly leaned against the rack. " Wanna go outside?", Jacob looked up at me from his fingernails and smiled.

" I'd love to."

Spring in Cincinnati is weird. Especially in April. The whole "April Showers" thing only works when the clouds feel like letting go. Like someone finally letting go of something that's bothering them. People and clouds really aren't that different. What am I talking about? I swear sometimes I think I'm crazy. Not the good, fun, crazy. Crazy like I should be locked in an asylum.

The air is so thick I swear I could cut it in half with a knife if I wanted to. Jacob's next to me strolling Leda while my hands are in my pockets. " Why don't you ever talk?", he said. That struck me by surprise.

" What do you mean?"

" It's like you never talk to anyone unless they speak to you first.", which is normal, right? You're not supposed to walk to random people and strike up a conversation. I shrugged my shoulders. 

" Give me something to talk about.", Jacob stopped walking and looked at the Lake ( well, technically pond but whatever). The same Lake that Cindy pushed me in less than 2 weeks ago. 

" Wow this is huge!", he moved his arms for emphasis. " We have to go swimming in there one day!", I was grateful he continued walking.

" Its a very... cold pond.", I said while looking down. And that's how the next half an hour went. Jacob going on and on about all the cool things here and me, watching my feet move across the concrete. Sometimes I would try to stay in step with Jacob or try to not step on the cracks, just to add a bit of pizazz.

When we got home Leda was fast asleep. Not that I had a problem with her being up. She's almost 1 now and she's crying a hell of a lot less than she used to. She's also trying to talk even though it sounds like garbled gibberish. I sat on the couch and turned on the news without taking off my jacket or shoes. I was holding the letter from downtown about my custody court date against my parents in my coat pocket. Jacob came in from putting Leda to bed and sat next to me talking about some statue of Mahatma Gandhi in the park. Sometime's it feels like he's oblivious to what I'm going through. 

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