Family Values

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Marcus Tropp is Leda’s father. I haven’t seen him since I told him I was pregnant. The damn fool ain’t even come see his daughter when I suffered through 6 hours of hard labor. But honestly, I don’t need him. I’ve been raising Leda for 6 months now and I am not about to stop now just to conduct a manhunt on that coward. I’m still 14 and I live alone. Just me and my Leda. They allow you to do that as long as you have a parent’s consent and they live no more than two blocks away from you. Since my mom lives across the street and a little further down I’m allowed to live alone. I grew up spoiled as the youngest, then an only child.

My older sister was 16 when she died in a car accident. I was probably around the age of 2 or 3 so I don’t really remember her even though I feel like I do with all the pictures my mom has of her and me together. My parents are separated and were 16 when they had my sister. I envy them because at least they made it to high school. I guess the reason why I got pregnant so young is because I always got what I wanted, when I wanted it. My dad’s a lawyer for a huge law firm in Florida so I really don’t get to see him that much and my mom’s a cardiovascular surgeon so she’s at the hospital 24/7. In a way I guess we’d be considered lower high class.

Well they’d be. I know for a fact they were disapointed when I told them about my pregnancy. Even though they say it’s not true I know they secretly despise me and Leda. They treat us like abominations. For Christ’s sake they’re rich and have me and a 6 month old living in an old, rundown apartment where the water doesn’t even get hot enough! They say it’s to “teach me responsibility”… bullsh*t. They hate Leda and don’t want anything to do with me. Great parents right?

14 And Pregnant ( A Princeton From MB Love Story)Kde žijí příběhy. Začni objevovat