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" AAAHHHHHH!!!", I heard the person scream. Then I heard someone else running from the hallway. It was Cindy.
"Kimari! What are you doing!", she screamed. Then I heard Leda crying...she must of woke up. I looked down at who I stabbed and saw the guy at the meet and  greet.

"Oh my god!", I was terrified at the blood on my hands. It wasn't alot but still, blood creeps me out. Leda was crying, Cindy was shocked, the guy was bleeding and it was all my fault. I got from on top of the guy and helped him up. I dropped the buttter knife and looked to see where I stabbed him. Just above his chest and on his right hand. I looked over and saw Cindy calming Leda down. '' I am so sorry...please don't call the cops on me.'' , I cried.

" I couldn't even if I wanted to", he said. Then my thoughts drifted back to why I stabbed him in the first place.

"What the hell were you two doing here!?!", I yelled.

" I'm tryna calm ya baby down...the least you could is whisper...", Cindy said quietly.

I sighed. " Why are you here...and h-how did you get even get in", I whispered. I only stutter when I'm going through a heap of emotions which right now were fear, anger and confusion.

" Well you didn't pick up your stroller when you left the meet and I bought you a new one...", the guy said while pointing to the new tricked out stroller.

"And you gave me a key to this dump last summer...", Cindy said. Then I remembered I did give her the key to this place so she could babysit Leda during the summer and I did never pick up Leda's stroller when we left. I looked down at the floor.

"Oh... my bad.", I said feeling stupid and ashamed. By then the guy was in the bathroom cleaning his self up. I walked to the bathroom to apologize to him when he came out with his shirt off. I swear it felt like my eyes popped out of my head. He didn't exactly have a 6-pack...but he sure was getting there!

" I didn't see any band-aids...", he said noticing I was staring at him. "...but do you have a T-shirt I could borrow?".

" Yeah...uh, follow me." I led him to Leda's room and rumaged through the closet and found a dark green T-shirt. "Is this Okay?", I asked while showing him the shirt.

"Yeah, that's fine.", he said while putting it on. It was silent for a while.

" I, uh, never really got your name...the last time we met.", I said nervously.

" Call me Princeton'', he said while extending his arm for me to shake his hand.

14 And Pregnant ( A Princeton From MB Love Story)Donde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora