Girl Talk

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{ Kimari's POV }

 We're on the plane back to America and my head is leaning on Jacob's shoulder. I said yes to being his girlfriend. I might as well have, I really do need someone to talk to besides Cindy. Speaking of Cindy, I forgot to call her on her birthday. I hope she forgives me. What am I talking about? Of course she'll forgive me! I'm her best friend!

 When we got off the plane, Jacob and this older guy gave me a ride home. I think he said his name was Walter or something. Oh well, it's not like I'm gonna need to remember it anytime soon. I walked up the stairs with Leda in her car seat on my left arm. I hate these steps. As soon as got in I closed the door, sat Leda's car seat on the floor by me and laid down on the couch. I am soo exhausted. As soon as my head hit the pillow I was out.

 I woke up to Leda's annoying wails. I groggily looked at the clock on the microwave. Damn! I wasn't even asleep for an hour! Take it from me, you can NEVER get any sleep when you have kids. So yeah, think about that the next time you get tempted to do the dirty.

 I'm starting to figure out what she means when she screams and cries. She was just asleep so either she had a nightmare or she's soiled herself. I picked her up and felt her diaper. She needs to be changed. After I changed her I looked out the window. It looked nice and sunny. I think I might take her out to the park. Not any of the ones around here though. There's graffiti and drugs and gang bangers at those parks. Or maybe we could just go over to Cindy's and chill. So, I called her. She picked up on the 3rd ring.

" Hey Kimari! Haven't talked to you in a while. For a second I thought you forgot about me!", she said playfully.

" Never!"

" So, how was ' The City Of Love'? Did you see the Eiffel Tower?"

" I actually never really got to see it."

" Why!?", she wined.

" 'Cause I was in the hospital the whole time. Oh, and I have something to tell you."

" Ooooh!",

" Well, two things.", I said while putting Leda in her carseat and giving her a teething toy to suck on. She's not teething yet, but, I want to be prepared when she does.

" Tell me, tell me!", I can imagine how she is right now. On her powerpuff girl bed trying to solve that rubix cube she's had for 3 years while talking to me with her cell-phone on her shoulder. She's a better multi-tasker than me!

" Okay two things to tell you and a question."

" 'Mari you're killing me!"

" Fine. Okay so Jacob's my boyfriend-", I didn't even get to finish my sentence when she started screaming from excitement. I had to take the phone away from my ear because she was so loud.

" Ohmygosh your boyfriends a celebrity! Oooh and I'm technically the match-maker so when y'all get married and you express your love for each other you can say that you wouldn't be together if it wasn't for me, and then I'll get paid to hook people up and be like, ultra rich and then I'll be on TV shows and stuff and then with all the money I'll have I'll be able to do whatever I want!", all I could say to that was

" It's not like we're gonna get married or anything."

" That's what you say now. Okay so what else do you have to tell me?"

" It'd be better if I told you in person."

" Oh okay. I'm at home right now. My parents are at work if you wanna come."

" I'm on my way.", I hung up the phone. I put Leda in her stroller and walked over to Cindy's house. She lives very, very far from me so I had to take 5 buses; the 15, the 48A, the 9, the 72 and the 14 . I was barely at the front steps when Cindy opened the door.

" Hurry up before the neighbors see you.", she partially whispered

" Why do they care if I'm here or not?"

" Because they have nothing better to do but be nosy and snitch.", she said while closing the door behind me. I've been in Cindy's house plenty of times before, so I didn't see anything new. It was a regular 2 story house with 3 bedrooms and one bathroom. I left the stroller in the living room because Cindy picked up Leda.

" So what did wanna tell me?", she said while quietly playing with Leda. I sighed.

" My parents are trying to custody of Leda."

" Why?"

" I don't know.", things were quiet for a while.

" So...was that all?".

" Yeah, that was all.", I didn't tell her about the STD thing because Cindy tends to gossip and tell secrets. " I think I better go. I don't wanna get you in trouble or anything. But, thanks for listening to me.", I said while giving her a hug.

" Anytime. And call me more!", she said while handing me Leda.

" I will.", I put Leda in her stroller and let myself out. It's still pretty, I should enjoy this weather while I can. Any other time I'd be at work. I walked down the street and say a park with a bunch of children playing. Perfect. I found a bench to sit on and relaxed. I closed my eyes for a while too. I kept opening them to see if Leda was still in her stroller. I got that stereotype that all old people in a park are baby snatchers. I know it's wrong but still, you can never be too safe.

 I was sitting there for about 20 minutes just watching the birds and occasionally feeding Leda. When there were no kids on the slide I held her while she slid down. She liked that. I tried putting her in the baby swings, but I guess she was afraid of those. I sat back down and rocking her to sleep when a guy sat down next to me. I didn't pay him much attention until he said

" Hey Kimari. How are you?", I looked at him and couldn't believe who I was next to. I never wanted to see this boy in my life ever again. Anger was boiling up inside of me, but I tried not to let it show. I replied calmly

" Hey Marcus. Long time no see."

14 And Pregnant ( A Princeton From MB Love Story)Opowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz