The Beginning Of A New Life

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{ Jacob's POV }

" You're kidding right?", Dee said before throwing the Pepsi can in a nearby pile of trash. That's disgusting. No wonder this place smells.

" Just go home. I bet you're Mom's worried about you.", Cali said while ushering me to the door.

" No, I-I really need you to do this for me."

" I'm only gonna say this once so listen close.", I nodded my head 'yes'. "Go. Home."

" Get me to Ohio...or I'm telling.", I quickly said. Dee and Cali had a scared look on their faces. Which is kinda weird. Dee doesn't seem like the type of person to be scared of anything.

" Are you black-mailing me?", Dee said with anger in her voice.

" Of course not.", Cali said to Dee with a fake smile plastered on her face. She turned to me and whispered " You're, uh, you're not serious right?", she nervously laughed. But I held my ground.

" I told you, I'm going to the police unless you take me to Ohio."

" How do expect me to get you all the way to Ohio? Huh? Do you know how far that is? And it's not like I can drive you or fly you there!"

" me a plane ticket."

" Let me say this again, because obviously you didn't understand it the first time. Ohio is far. Far places equals a lot of money. Which I don't have. And aren't you the rich and famous one? Buy your own sh*t.", hmm good point. Wait, bad idea.

" I left everything at home.", I said while looking down at my shoes. Things were quiet for a while.

" Jacob are you... are you running away?", Cali said with concern

" Look can you get me to Ohio or not.", I changed the subject.

" I don't know how.", I guess that's it then. Out of everything that's happened to me tonight, I can only think about how p*ssed my Mom's gonna be. Or will she be worried? I don't know.

" Why don't you just put him on a train? It's cheap.", Dee said. I completely forgot she was here.

" Oh my god that's genius.", Cali exclaimed. I guess Dee isn't such a bitch after all.

" Who's paying for it.", I asked. I know I don't have any cash on me.

" About that...", Dee said while pulling out a stack of bloody money. That was scary. Did she kill someone for it?

" I'll take it.", I said not wanting to waste any time on Q&A. I went up to her and took the money. " How much is this?", I flipped through the cash. They were in singles and I am not going to count all of it.

" $90."

" That's it?"

" Like I said, trains are super cheap. A lot of people would rather walk then get caught stepping foot anywhere near a train station. ", true. She continued " Besides, do you know what type of people get on trains?"

" Pervs.", Cali replied.

" Sex offenders.", Dee said.

" Murderers."

" Robbers."

" Thugs."

" Okay I get it!", I screamed. " So what do we do about it?"

Dee scoffed. " You mean What do you do about it.?", I gave her the evil eye. She looked amused. " We could give you a weapon."

" Like... Mace spray!", I exclaimed. That made Cali and Dee laugh. " Or-or a knife.", that made them laugh harder.

" Jacob, Mace is for scared little girls walking home from school after band, and knifes can be easily turned against you. If you wanna get tough, you need a gun.", Dee said while handing me the same gun she used to smack me with. I didn't want to take it, but I didn't want to seem like a punk either.

" Don't you need it though?", I was making excuses so I wouldn't have to take it.

" Don't you think I have more than one gun?", she handed the gun to me. " So here's how you use it. Cal can you set me up something?"

" Sure.", she said before putting 3 empty Pepsi cans on a near-by table.

" First you pull back the hammer.", she said while pulling back the top part of the gun. " Then you just pull the trigger.", she shot a Pepsi can down. " Now you do it.", she handed me the gun. I have to admit, I was shaking. But I did what Dee did. I pulled back the hammer and shot the Pepsi can before putting the gun in my pocket.

" Great, now lets get you downtown."

 We weren't that far from downtown, but its a good 20-30minute walk. When we got there the train station was easy to find. It was the place that looked deserted. Dee was right about how cheap train tickets are. We got a schedule and sat down on a bench. " So the farthest you can go on this train is to Wichita Kansas. Then you take the one from Wichita to Cincinnati Ohio. That is where you need to go?", Cali asked.

" Yeah."

" I'll be right back.", Dee got up and left. It was quiet so I thought I should talk to Cali.

" So, how do you know me?"

" I don't. I just said that so Dee wouldn't blow your pretty little face off."

" Are you and her, like, sisters?"

" You can say that."

" Why does she-"

" Kill people? Because she hates her step-dad."

" So she kills people because she hates her step-dad. That's logical.", Cali just shrugged her shoulders. After a while we heard the bell indicating that the train was coming. I got up and hugged Cali goodbye. We exchanged numbers and I promised I'd call her and Dee when I got settled in. I got on the train to find it crowded with people from the last stop. I found 2 empty seats in the back and waved goodbye while the train pulled off.

 I asked the train attendant or whatever you call those people who bring you food and stuff, to bring me a pillow. I put it on the window and leaned against it watching the sunrise. I didn't know I was up all night. I also didn't know how sleep I was because after about 3 minutes, I was knocked out.

Author's Note:  Alrighty, so there's Beiber Fever, The One Direction Infection so how about....


lml is it dope or nope?


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