Trapped In My Own Mind

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So we talked, ate pizza and of course watched and played with Leda. Jacob's very sweet and I found out he was part mexican or something. He's also very good with Leda, as far as calming her down. Watching him with Leda made me think about my father. Was he a good dad to me? Did he even have time for me with his jam-packed lawyer schedule? I don't know. It's been almost a whole year since I've spoke to my Mommy or Daddy. I feel kinda weird that I still call my parents Mommy and Daddy. I call them Mom and Dad when people asks me about them though.

It was like 8:45PM and Jacob was talking about how he used to get bullied because of his hair. His hair does look kinda funny. I really wanted to ask if I could touch it, but, I soon dropped the idea when I saw Cindy reaching for her 6th slice of pizza. So, I slapped her hand away from the green and red Caeser's Pizza box. After like 30 seconds, she reached for some pizza again. Again I slapped her hand away. She kept reaching for pizza and I kept slapping her hand away. We kept going back and forth untill I noticed Jacob stopped talking. I looked over and saw Jacob staring at us.

" Sorry...what were you saying?", I said feeling rude to my guest. My CELEBRITY guest.

Within that second Cindy grabbed the last pizza and shoved it in her mouth like an animal. Without responding to my question he asked Cindy, " How much did you eat?". Cindy shrugged while licking her fingers. And she really got the nerve to say I ain't got table manners?

" Keep eating like that and you'll be like 200 pounds.", I said.

" I eat like this all the time...and you really got the nerve to talk! Have you seen the pictures when you was pregnant? You kinda reminded me of London!", she said laughing. Who the hell is she talking about? I don't know any Londons. Well except for the one in Paris. Or is it in France?

"Oh so now you're making fun of people from London?", Jacob said.

" No... there was this girl me and 'Mari were friends with in like 3rd or 4th grade and everyone would tease us.", she said. Ohhhh London.

" Why? You guys don't seem wierd or anything."

" Wait you mean London Bridges?", I asked. Jacob stifled a laugh. Me and Cindy stared at him.

" Sorry... is that her real name...seriously?", he asked.

" Yes! And that's why people laughed at us! London wore glasses, was like 20 pounds over-weight, had this European accent and was really, really clumsy. She'd literally trip over air. So the kids would be all 'London Bridges falling down' and stuff. She was real pretty though. Her hair was all short and curly and jet black. We were best friends...kinda like the 3 musketeers", I said.

" So...what happened?", Jacob asked.

" She couldn't take the bullying anymore... and moved back to Europe.", Cindy said sadly. I'm pretty sure she was feeling ashamed that we didn't keep in touch with London. Me too.

Everything was kinda silent.

" So... she was the only one to get bullied?", Jacob said.

" Definitly not! I was sooo pale in 3rd grade and my hair was this really bright red so I kinda lookeded (no typo) like that vampire chick from twi-light. Those kids were mean, and they said I looked like a zombie coming back from the dead.", Cindy said.

" What about you?", he asked me. I hate telling people about my elementary school years but I guess since Cindy shared her experience, I have to share mine. Just. Great.

" Well...I was quiet...and when I did talk I'd stutter really bad. I had these pink braces and I thought they were real cute, but I guess everyone else didn' they called me BraceFace and metal mouth, corrupted teeth girl, Ugly Betty...I mean the list goes on and on", I said recalling the 3rd grade.

Why are people so mean? To me it just doesn't make any sense. Don't you feel like a bad person making people cry? For real though, London was tough but those kids pushed her to her breaking point. Especially these girls Gia and Sadie. The only reason they were all 'popular' was becuase they were social butterflies. If I could do that, I woulda been just as 'popular' as they were. But everyone can't do that...especially me.

" You really aren't a big talker 'Mari.", Cindy said. I looked over at her, un sure what to say so all I said was


" You're trapped in your own mind...aren't you?", Jacob said.

" What?", I was seriously confused. How can I be trapped in my mind, when I'm talking to them? Wouldn't that make me trapped talking to them? Damn... I just confused myself even more.

" You think alot...and don't tell people what you're thinking. So that means you're trapped in your own mind.", he said. It took a while for someone to say something.

" I don't get it.", Cindy said.

" Me either.", I said.

" In a way... I think you talk to yourself.", Jacob said. Yeah I kinda do... in a way.

" Okay don't think I'm crazy...but... I ask myself questions...a lot. Not really like actually speaking to myself but like... I don't know thinking it." Saying it out loud and actually hearing myself sounded crazy. I honestly wouldn't be surprised if they ran out the door. Things were kinda quiet...until Leda started screaming. I thought I was used to it, but recently, it's just been gettin' annoying.

" I guess that's our cue to leave." Cindy said while getting up.

" Is your Mom here?", Jacob asked Cindy.

" No, but it's like 9pm so she should be on her way."

"Oh...I guess I'll call Keisha or Walter and see if they'll pick me up.".

" I think that's my Mom out there...I'll call you later...", Cindy said as she walked out the door and quietly closed it behind her.

" You can watch T.V. if you want...I don't have cable though."

"That's okay.". He's so practical and down-to-earth...that's kinda cute in a guy. I went in Leda's room and gave her a bottle of Similac. And yes it was warm. It took her about 15 minutes to drift off to sleep. I walked back in the livingroom and saw Jacob on his phone watching Disney Channel. I sat down next to him.

" So, you like Disney?"

" Yeah...I TiVo every episode of every show.", he sounded excited.

" You do know...that no one ever survives Disney."

" What? Yes they do."

" Exhibit A... Miley Cyrus. When she had that Hannah Indiana show or whatever...she turned into a slut."

" Ok that's only one person."

" Exhibit B...Demi Lovato. She's in rehab. I bet she wasn't bipolar before she was in Camp Rock or Sonny with a chance."

"So...", he sounded defeated.

" And we all know Exhibit C... Lindsey Lohan. Do I really need to explain any further?"

" Okay you win!", he almost yelled. He was laughing too though. After about 10 minutes whoever he called came and picked him up before we exchanged numbers. Today was the best day ever.

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