The new exchange student

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Chapter seven

Kotori's pov:

I am sitting in the classroom on my chair infront of my desk writing what is on the board. It is still first period english not that I'm complaining but I am really tired and I don't know why. I slept early, maybe of the position I slept in, because my back is killing me.
Anyway it was a normal Wednesday or I thought so.

Infront of me was an empty desk weird it wasn't empty yesterday.

Teacher's pov:

"Excuse me class can I have your attention."

Everyone stopped talking/writing and looked at the teacher.

"You see zack who was sitting infront of kotori isn't here because he switched classes as you may know that Mimi left this school so we did some arrangements, there will be a new exchange student coming to this class he's english more like British, so we couldn't put him in the French class where Mimi was so Zack excepted to switch classes he told me that he knew french and we tested him before changing his class."

"Who's the new exchange student then." Some student asked.

Kotori's pov:

The door opened slowly revealing a boy with an eyepatch wearing weird clothes.

"That would be me." The boy with the eyepatch said in a British accent.

"Oh, you made it lord phantomhive, why don't you introduce yourself to the students then." The teacher said. Did she just say Lord phantomhive or did I hear her wrong...

"No need for formalities miss, I am ciel phantomhive, as you already know I am the new student here." He said plain and bored.

"Any questions." The teacher asked.

"Where did you come from?" A girl asked.

"From London." He said.

"Why did the teacher call you Lord phantomhive." Naoi asked. I was a, little surprised by him and that I wasn't hearing things.

"Because I am the queens protector." Ciel said

"More like her guard dog." Naoi said teasingly. "Yes exactly, I am the royal queens guard dog." Ciel continued.

Some of the students started laughing and some said that he was stupid to say such a thing.

"But that doesn't answer my question." Naoi said.

"Also because I am nobility a noble, from a rich family, it's more respective to say lord to a higher privilege." ciel explained

"Is that so because by the looks of it you look like you were living in a circus." Naoi said, the teacher sweat-dropped, I giggled at naoi's answer and Ciel got angry.

"Why are you wearing an eyepatch?" Naruto asked.

"It is for a certain reason that is none of your concern." He said annoyed

"OK that is enough questions now, ciel go sit in the empty seat infront of kotori." The teacher said pointing to me.

* I was in the second tabel he was now the first. There are three lines of tables of course each tabel alone I was sitting in the left row by the stinking wall. I wish I was on the right side because there's two windows that are big and I would really like some fresh air. Naoi was sitting in the middle of the middle row, Nico at the end of the right row, Honoka in the first of the right row and Rose in the middle of the middle row.*

The unknown Mystical Angel "*Under Major Editing!*"Where stories live. Discover now