ciel's unexpected preformance

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Chapter twenty seven

Ciel's pov:

"Master, are you sure about this?" Sebastian asked me about rethinking my plan.

"Yes of course I am, why wouldn't I be?" I asked him.

"Well this plan does have some risks and might not go as planned and get us in trouble." He said counting the possibilities that might happen.

"Well my preformance is more like a delay for you to do what I intend." I said.

"Whatever you say master is your command, I am under your orders and control." Sebastian said and left, as I prepared myself to go on stage.

I put on my indigo coat and adjusted the ribbon that has a flower in the middle and some designs. I wore my gloves that match with my entire or costume, my family's ring not inside the glove but outside for it to show.

"Why am I so nervous!?" I yelled angered, as I hit the wall with my foot.

"Let's get this over this." I said as the host started to introduce the next preformance which is me and will be the last.

Rin yurripie's pov:

"So did everyone get the plan?" I asked and connected my fingers with each other and put my head while looking at each one of my members in the club sss.

"But she looks innocent yurripie, what if you are wrong, then what will happen, don't you think you're taking this to far!?" katsuro said slamming his hand on the wall.

"Look katsuro, we have been watching her for a long time, she is dangerous more than she looks!" Daisuke said.

"Your all nuts if you-

"We have a purpose in life to fulfill, we died but lived again we didnt reincarnate... we still have a certain desire in all of us until we understand it or even do it, we will never be in peace." Akio said sitting in the end off the room his legs on a chair while he's slouched down a bit on a one seat couch.

"But what does that have to do with her, the target you call angel, do you even have any proof!?" Katsuro said.

"She hasn't yet awakened but she will tonight, I wanted her to join us so I can research her or stop her awakening or even end her for all I care, she is a nice person now but what do you know what will happen when she transforms?" I explained to katsuro but he's so stubborn.

"Glasses dude please explain the situation to him." I said as he stood in front of me.

"My name is mike for your your information." He said before turning around again to look at all the members and raised his hand to point at them.

"She's actually a fallen angel." Mike said as everyone looked at him in disbelief.

"OK I was wondering why you named her angel, but she's a real life angel!?" Kaity said eyes sparkling.

"A fallen angel." Mike repeated annoyed.

"So?" Daisuke asked.

"She has powers that overwhelm anyone who sees or feels it, her wings are enormous when they first open/sprout, she might be uncontrollable at first but when her senses settle then she'll calm down. But you see her sent will spread and demons, hunters and all kinds of creatures will come after her, maybe for her power, divine soul or just to kill her." Mike said giving them details about her awakening.

"And if her power is so overwhelming then how are our weapons going to stop her?" Angelica asked She's a member.

"It's not our weapons who'll stop her, it's teamwork that will defeat her." I said.

The unknown Mystical Angel "*Under Major Editing!*"Where stories live. Discover now