Festival part two

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Chapter twenty three

Kotori pov:

Are you always like this...alone. I asked him.

Well if you put it that way I'm kinda a loner but I have my point Yukio said.

And what is it. I asked.

I'm on a mission....a mission that's none of your business. He said smirking to himself.

Did you do anything for the festival. I asked.

Well...... he said.

Uh, you can start by helping me hang fliers up about the band's auditions, there band names, fun activities we have and so on. I said.

Do I really have to, give me some slack. He said turning his back to me.

Really. I said.

Fine but if I do so you have to agree with me on a condition. He said.

And what is it. I asked.

You don't need to know it now. He said and got up.

So where are the fliers. He asked and I went and brought lots of paper sheets in my hands and two stapplers...so you could say I'm fully loaded.

We went through hallway to another then outside the school onto the
Small houses (sorry don't know it's name) and the left over fliers we distributed them to the people who are entering the festival.

Finally done...I'm leaving. Yukio said yawning.

You could go now you've finished your work. I said.

Are you taking a break too. He asked.

No I need to check every shack that has games...naoi checked the shacks that contain food. I said.

Heh leaving you do all the work as he goes and eats. I heard Yukio mutter under his breath.

No, no its OK. I said.

Then let me help you. He said.

I can check them alone no need for you to come. I said.

Nope I'm coming. He said taking my hand and we went to the first shack to hit the target with a water gun.

Here are your water guns. The boy said handing me and Yukio one.

All you have to do is aim the target and fire there's a balloon behind so you see the hole in the middle of the target there you shoot water or fill water to get the balloon full, the most balloon that contains water will win a prize.

We are just testing. I said.

I don't mind but it'd still a game so there is still a prize. The boy said and I smiled.

Ready, set, aim, fire. The boy yelled as we started blasting water in the middle of the target.

But then I felt water getting all over me I looked at Yukio and my face got blasted with water I looked down at my clothes and found them dripping wet.

What...kitty cat hates water. He said laughing at me and I aimed my water gun at him and sprayed him with water from top to bottom.

Hey. He said and I smiled.

Times up, and the winner is Kotori okazawa. The boy said and handed me a stuffed panda bear.

It's almost your hight. Yukio said chuckling.

I looked at him and then at my cloth and then at him again he must of understood me or he didnt.

Don't worry I'm not looking at your wet body or your showing bra. He said

I didn't mean it like that, you clearly are a moron. I said and walked well maybe ran since I'm embarrassed of what he said.

I'm kidding I understood you. He said laughing behind me and people started staring at us while I was running and him behind.

I went to my gym locker it has a towel and clothes well the uniform I'm wearing same.

I grabbed them and went in the bathroom I dried myself and changed I got out of the bathroom and walked to my locker to put my wet cloth in it and when the festival finishes I'll take them with me.

I turned around and my face burned with fire as I was blushing from Yukio who's not wearing his blouse so he's half naked.

You know there are these things called called clothes you can stand on with. I said turning my head away.

No...no way is Kotori okazawa blushing. Yukio said smiling.

No...just wear something. I said and walked out.

Whatever you say prez. Yukio said before I left.

I walked to the festival again and I found mom/crystal buying some ice cream and she's already holding bags full of food.

What are you doing. I said.

Buying ice cream. She said innocently.

You know you can't eat to much sweats. I said.

Yeah, yeah, health I only ate some chocolates, cookies, candy...that's all. She said.

Uh, you act like a child while I'm the one who's yours. I said and she looked at me but then smiled.

Your to stuck up darling loosen some screws. Mom said.

What. I said.

The speakers turned on and the principle stood on stage holding a microphone in her hand

Hello everyone I'm misses kirichawa the principle of this school I'm glad to inform you that before the end of the festival will be a show down in entertainment of our fellow students and they will be judged buy professionals and at the end there will be many colorful fireworks in the sky, hope you like our games and food, please do enjoy.

Well I'm going to enjoy would you like to come with me Kotori. Mom asked me.

No. I said.

OK suit your self...I wonder if they sell cheese burgers. I heard mom say before she left and I sweat-dropped.

My friends are all busy rehearsing there performances so why won't I too, I went to the music room and I didn't see Yukio inside that's weird usually he's always here.

Is he also going to preform or he went somewhere else to sleep because it's to noisy for him to take his nape. I said cuckling to myself.

Oh well good thing no one's here then my song will stay hidden/a secret. Let's start. I said to myself and began playing.

....I hope I won't get shy (stage fright)when I'm playing on stage if so then I can't talk..fear is kinda getting me now but I won't let it stop me or I'll be laughed at and I can't remove my name or they'll think I'm bad at singing or something else then rumors about me nope that won't happen...good luck friends and to me too....

The unknown Mystical Angel "*Under Major Editing!*"Where stories live. Discover now