Chapter 9

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Matthew's POV:
I can't do this anymore. My body aches. My heart is broken. My mind is on a constant loop of memories of Charlotte. And there's nothing I can do to stop it. I need her, and I can't have her.
I need her, and I can't find her.

I want to feel the touch of her hand again. Not the feeling of it slipping through mine as she fell through that tornado. But the feeling of it as we kissed at the fair.
And the kiss. The kiss like nothing I've ever felt before in my life. As we kissed I could feel a weight lifted off my shoulders. The weight that had been on there since I had grown feelings for Charlotte. I'd been too afraid to tell her in fear of what she felt about me. And our kiss vanished that awful fear from my mind and my body.
And her telling me she had liked me for a long time to, that sealed the deal. She felt the same way for me. She wanted the same thing I do.
And I hope she wants the same thing I want now. To be with her. To love her. For her to be mine. To kiss her. Hug her. Tell her I love her again and again and again. Never let her go. And for her to be mine.
I want her back.

Charlotte's POV:
I don't want to go home. Although life in here is living hell, I have never felt so free. So open. So confident.

I just finished my 7th training day of masterbation. And Keeyden and I have plans to meet up for lunch. Keeyden and I have grown so close and I don't know how I would survive life in here without him.
Keeyden is amazing, wonderful, so kind and so hot.
I remember the first time I saw him, he made me so wet just from his physical appearance. And now that I know him on a personal level, I get even wetter everyday.
I've grown this physical attraction to him and I want him. His amazing brown hair that I could play with all day, he's beautiful green eyes that I fall for again and again everyday make me want to melt, and his finely chiseled body that I just want to run my hands down make my body ache just thinking about.
I've stopped thinking about Matthew.
I went into my masterbation class thinking about him everyday. But after that class, all I can think about is Keeyden. During that class, I fantasized about the feeling of Keeyden touching me back in the first training day class. That high I was put into was the best feeling I have ever felt. I want that feeling again and again and again.

I came into the Sex Hotel only thinking of Matthew. But I've given up on him. Why have hope for someone who I can't have? Especially if there's someone I can have hope for, who is right here.

Matthew's POV:
I have hope for a girl I can't have. And I will never give up hope for her. Even if she's not here.

Hey everyone! I hope you enjoyed this chapter! I'm sorry it's so short. I just quickly wanted to show you guys the different conflicting emotions happening in the story.
So far I have only done POV's from Matthew and Charlotte, but I'm thinking about adding Keeyden as well. Let me know what you think about that. I'm just afraid it will become a little too confusing.

I have also added a picture in this chapter. This is a PERFECT picture for how Matthew is described in the story. If you remember I said "with his glasses on, he looks like Clark Kent" and the guy in the picture has glasses and is wearing a Superman shirt, so it's a perfect depiction of Matthew.
Now it's a little hard finding pictures because Matthew and Charlotte are based off of people in my life. I'm Charlotte and Matthew is someone I went to school with. So it's a little hard finding pictures that not only resemble the character but us too.
Keeyden is not based off of anyone in my life, so I'm going to try and find a picture for what he looks like, and I'll keep looking for a picture for Charlotte/Me.

Let me know what you think of the story so far! And since this chapter is so short I'm going to update again soon. So make sure you add this story to your library so you'll know when I update! :)

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