Chapter 11

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Training Class: Porn

Ever since I've heard that I had this class, I've been so angry. I don't want to watch people having sex, and I especially don't want to watch it if the people in it are being payed to have videotaped sex. No thanks! I want to pass!

Unfortunately they won't let me pass.

I walk into the room and it's like none of the other classrooms I've been in so far. The room is divided into small rooms. And inside are beds.

Once I walk into the classroom, the teacher, Mr Deems tells me to go to an empty "bedroom". I do as I'm told and go to a room off to the side and I shut the door like all the other girls have. I can barely hear the teacher through the closed door. But what I can hear is the guys will choose a random room, and the couple will watch porn together. We may kiss, but nothing else since we haven't reached those training classes yet.
I wait for my door to open and I'm surprised when it does.
I look up to see who my partner is and I instantly become very angry.

Keeyden is standing at my door.
"Oh hey Charlie!" He says. His nickname of Charlie normally makes my heart flutter, but now it makes my blood boil. How dare he act all calm and nice when yesterday he was making out with some random girl!?

I ignore him as I grab the laptop off the edge of the bed. Keeyden shuts the door and walks to the opposite side of the bed. It's clear he knows something is wrong. I flip open the laptop, and it's instantly on a porn website. I click on a random video and set the computer between the two of us.
Half of me is watching the video and he other half is replaying the memory of Keeyden and the other girl. I've never been this jealous of anybody. Not even all those years when I loved Matthew and he dated other girls. And now that I pushed Matthew out of my mind to focus on Keeyden makes me want to get sick.

"Is something wrong?" Keeyden's voice brings me back to reality.
"Yes! You know what, something is wrong!" I scream. "Yesterday you went and sat next to some random girl instead of sitting next to me during kissing class! I didn't want to kiss some random stranger! I wanted to kiss you! This may come to a shock to you, but I really like you! And this class was my way of getting to touch you and kiss you! But you sat next to some random girl who was a lot prettier than me and probably a better kisser than me! And that hurt me! I spent so much of my time trying to push a different guy out off my head so I could think of you, and you went and broke my heart! But that's ok! After this class you go find that girl! Go have sex with her if you care that much about her! This is the Sex Hotel! So go have fun with who ever she is!" By the end of my rant tiers are in my eyes and all I want is Matthew to hug me and be here for me. I want him so much! I want Keeyden gone and Matthew here!

"I didn't sit next to her!" Keeyden's voice shocks me again. "I sat down at an empty desk waiting for you to come to class! I didn't want to kiss some random girl either! But when she came over and asked if she could sit next to me, I didn't want to be rude and say no! So I let her sit. I didn't mean to hurt your feelings! I don't even know the girl! It hurt me too seeing you kissing that guy probably just as much as it hurt you. I care for you Charlie! I'm so sorry I made you feel that way! I would never intentionally sit next to her so I could make out with her. I wanted to kiss you!" Keeyden says.

I look into his eyes. And I can see pain in his eyes. I can tell he feels so bad that he hurt me. And soon again, Matthew is pushed out of my mind. I reach my arms over and hug Keeyden. That hug I was just desiring from Matthew is being replaced with one from Keeyden.
Keeyden wraps his arms around me and squeezes tightly. As I pull away, Keeyden takes his hand, places it under my chin and gently guides me to him. Our lips meet and my mind begins to melt. We gently kiss and soon his tongue is asking for entrance. I grant him permission and he enters his tongue. Our kiss is magical and amazing. It's something I could get used to!

Look at me!!! Updating 3 times is one day! That's a record for me 😂
Anyways guys! I hope you are enjoying the new chapter set up. The porn class was going to be included in the other chapter. But it was just becoming too long. That why you get 2 chapters in one day!!!!!

The new set up is only until next chapter. I just felt that if I kept going with one class in one chapter, it would get way to long and boring. So I hope you enjoyed this change!

And!!!!!! I included a picture of what I think Keeyden would look like. I've seen this picture many many many times before. But I thought that he fit the description really well.



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