Chapter 13

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Matthew's POV:

Since the fair and Charlotte's disappearance, I've been living like a zombie. Not really living, rather I'm just going through the motions of my everyday life. I wake up, eat, school, work, eat, bed. And repeat every day. Without Charlotte, my life has no purpose. She was the love of my life and she didn't know. Now she may never know...

Charlotte's POV:

Yesterday was the blow job class. And ever since I've been so confused. Seeing Keeyden be paired with another girl made me so jealous. A jealousy I had only once felt prior to then.

A year ago, Matthew was dating a girl that I had always hated. They were getting really serious and I knew it was only a matter of time before they would sleep together. However, I didn't think that it would affect me as much as it did when I found out that they had sex. I was so mad. I knew Matthew was a virgin because we would always joke around about it. But the fact that he lost his virginity to a slutty, bitch tore me apart. The girl ended up using Matthew and broke his heart which made it even worse. But the jealously I had was worse than anything I had ever felt.

I hadn't felt that jealous again until yesterday. I couldn't sleep last night. Kyle was very, very sweet to me during the class and I had a great time but when I got back to my room, my head was spinning thinking about everything that was going on.

Keeyden was with another girl. Did she make him happier than I could make him? Does he like her? Did he only receive a blow job? What if they did more? Did they have sex? No! That's not allowed. Or is it? Why am I so upset about this? Am I starting to fall in love with Keeyden? No! I can't! I can't get involved with someone. But he's such an amazing person. And he's very attractive, funny, sweet...What am I doing? I need to see him!

Keeyden's POV:

I need to see Charlotte! I need to make sure she's okay. She was paired with that douche bag Kyle yesterday. I swear to God if he did anything to her, I'll kill him. No one is allowed to touch her but me! She means too much to me for her to get hurt.

Yesterday's class was horrible. I was paired with another girl named Charlotte. She was so touchy feely, I was getting uncomfortable. And she smelled like she hadn't showered in a week. I did as I was told when she told me to touch her body and I started to get a boner. But as soon as she started giving me a blow job, my boner started to go limp again. She scratched me with her teeth twice and the only thing I could think of was Charlotte and what she was doing or how she was feeling. I got up out of the bed, apologized to the girl "trying" to give me head and left. When I walked out of the room we were in, Charlotte and Kyle's door was still shut so I went back to my room.

All night I was pacing back and forth in my room. I needed to make sure Charlotte was okay. But what if she enjoyed her time with Kyle. What if they had sex? What if he treated her the way he treated that girl from our first ever class? I need to see her to make sure she's okay!

I run out of my room and head down the hallway to her room.

I need to see her so I can tell her how I feel...

Charlotte's POV:

I'm going to lose my mind if I don't go talk to Keeyden. I need to see him. I start walking towards my door. I turn the doorknob and see Keeyden standing in front of my door. He looks out of breath as though he ran here.

"Keeyden! What are you doing here? I was just coming to see you" I say.

"Charlotte...I need...I needed to see you..." he says in between panting breaths.

"What's wrong? Are you okay?" I say very concerned.

Keeyden looks up at me. A look of passion. But before he could say anything, he presses his lips to me in a passionate, loving kiss. I return the kiss. We stand in my door way passionately kissing. I lead him into my room without breaking the kiss. We make our way to my bedroom. His hands caressing my body.

He breaks from the kiss. "I love you Charlotte".

"I love you Keeyden".

Matthew's POV:

I'm in my zombie state. It's the weekend. I haven't slept in weeks and last night was no exception. But I have to go to work. So I slowly start to get up out of bed, put on clothes, walk downstairs and head out the door to my car. I look across the street to Charlotte's house. I look there every day. I'm hoping one day she will be in her window looking back at me. But deep down I know that won't ever happen. I turn away, get in my car and drive down the road.

I'm halfway to work when I am stopped at a red light. I'm a few cars back when I start to hear screaming and people rushing away from the street light. I get out of the car and rush ahead to where people are running away from. I'm pushing through people who are rushing away. I finally get to the street light and I see what people are running away from.

The blue tornado! The same one who took my Charlotte away from me!

Without hesitation, I run to the tornado. I hear people calling me out to stop. But I keep running. And before I know it, I am being thrown into the center of the tornado.

I wake up on a bed. I'm alive! If I'm awake does that mean...


Yay for cliff hangers! Haha! Sorry if you don't like cliff hangers but I really like this chapter. I made it really long since I've been gone for so long. I promise to write more soon. So expect another chapter soon!

Leave some comments on how you feel about this chapter, what you think is going to happen and any suggestions.

Thanks guys! Enjoy! 

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