Chapter 4

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I wake up and roll over and look at my alarm clock. It reads 8 am. "I might as well get up" I say to myself as I pull of my blankets and get up out of bed. I walk over to the kitchen and grab some bread and put it in the toaster. As its toasting I go to my bathroom. I brush through my long auburn red hair. I apply foundation and powder. And add very some mascara to finish up. I walk back into the kitchen to butter my toast and eat breakfast.
After breakfast I brush my teeth and wash my dishes. I sit down on my now made bed and stare at the clock. 8:32. I still have half an hour till Walter will be here to escort me to my first training day. I try to get that awful idea out of my head. The thought of learning more about my body and having to learn about the male body doesn't interest me at all.
I don't want to learn about the male body. I don't want to go to training classes. I don't want to be here. I want to be back home, with my family and friends. And I want to see Matthew again.
"Matthew!" I have completely forgotten about Matthew. I want to see him again. I want to kiss him and hug him and I want to hear him say I love you. I start to wonder off thinking about him. His 6'5 structure and his slightly curly black hair, and his glasses that he sometimes wears making him resemble Clark Kent. And his beautiful eyes and huge smile that causes me to smile. And his touch as we held hands at the fair. Or the fact that the last thing I will ever hear from him is that he loves me. "I love you too Matthew!" I think out loud. "I love you and miss you so much-"
My thoughts are ended as the knock of my door sends me back to reality. I look at the clock, 8:57. I slowly get up and walk to my front door.
I am greeted by Walter, who has a huge grin on his face. "You ready Charlotte?"
"As ready as I'll ever be" I say with no confidence.
"That's the spirit!" He says.
I walk out into the hallway, shutting and locking my door. Me and Walter walk to the elevator. We get in and ride up to my first class. When we arrive to the correct floor, we walk down the hallway. We stop at the room 563.
"Here we are!" Walter says with his grin still on his face. "You have class till 12. Then you have an hour lunch break to go have lunch either in the restaurant on the 65th floor or in your room. Then class starts again at 1 and then class ends at 3. So it's not bad!" He says. Walter looks down at his wrist watch. "Oh! I need to go! But I'll come by your room later to talk with you! Have a great first full day here. And enjoy class! I'll see you later!" Walter finishes and walks back towards the elevator.
I turn around and slowly turn open the door. Inside lays the beginning of my future here at the Sex Hotel. And I am not prepared for what's about to happen.

Hello everyone!!! I thought since this was chapter 4 that I would start to put little notes from me at the end of each chapter. Thank you so much for reading. I hope your enjoying the story. I'm really enjoying writing it! I cannot wait to write chapter 5! It's gonna turn the whole story upside down!!!!! Yay! So thanks again for reading! And enjoy my story! :)

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