Chapter 16

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Keeyden's POV:

I'm the happiest person in the world right now. Not only did I just finish having sex with Charlie, but I am laying here next to her right now. She has fallen asleep in my arms, my arms wrapped around her, her head on my chest. Her breathing is soft and gentle. She's been asleep for a while but I don't want this moment to end.

When I came here to talk to her, I did not expect we would end up having sex. I don't know what I expected we would do. I just needed to see her. But when she opened that door, I couldn't help myself, I just needed to kiss her...I needed to tell her how I felt. And I'm so happy that I did. We just shared an amazing, intimate, passionate moment. I always told myself that I didn't want to have sex with someone I didn't care about. And I'm so happy that I was able to share that with her.

I can't help but just stare at her as she sleeps. She looks so gorgeous and peaceful. She already radiates beauty, but she looks especially beautiful right now. She has this one piece of hair that has fallen down onto her face so I reach up to push it back when I am startled by a knock on the door. I jump up in shock, not expecting anyone to be here. Charlotte moves in her sleep but does not awaken. I quietly get up out of the bed, being careful not to awake her. I get to the front door and swing it open to see who has ruined my moment with my girl.

Matthew's POV:

I wait out in the hallway after knocking. My heart is beating so fast. The thought that I could be seeing Charlotte after so long is making me so happy. I can barely stand still as I wait out in the hallway. It feels like forever before I finally hear her open the door. I hear the door unlock. She turns the door handle. She's opening the door.'s not her. There is a guy at the door. He's my age, tall, brown hair and he's naked.

Keeyden's POV:

There is a guy standing outside. I've never seen him before and he seems very confused.

"Can I help you?" I saw. When in reality I want to punch him in the face for interrupting my time with Charlie and for almost waking her up.

"Umm...yeah sorry. I thought that Charlotte lived here?" he says.I have to stop myself from freaking out. Who is he and why does he want to know where Charlie is? Maybe he's looking for another Charlotte. He couldn't possibly want my Charlotte.

"Charlotte?" I ask.

"Yeah. Charlotte Taylor. Short. Hazel eyes. Red hair" the guy starts to describe the Charlotte I love.

"Sorry I think you have the wrong room" I lie to him. Whoever he is, he's not finding Charlotte.

"Oh... sorry man. I uh...I was told she lived here. Sorry. Do you happen to know her or where she lives?" There is a bit of wonder but disappointment in his voice. I feel bad for the dude, but not enough to let him anywhere near her.

"No sorry I don't know who you are talking about. Why man? You seem worried" curiosity got the best of me and I need to know why he wants to know where she is.

"Uh, she's a good friend of mine from home...actually she was my best friend and I am in love with her and she was taken away from me to this horrible place and I just need to find her" the guy explains. I can see he is getting upset but I'm not letting him near her; especially after what he just told me. Charlotte has never told me about who ever this is. This is also the Sex Hotel. If a guy is looking for a girl, it's probably because he wants to fuck her. And I'm especially not letting that happen to her.

"I'm sorry. That sounds rough" I lie to him yet again. I'll say anything to him to get him to go away.

"Yeah it is...Sorry for interrupting you. My name is Matthew by the way. Sorry again" he apologizes and reaches his arm out to shake mine. Two guys standing in a doorway, naked, shaking hands is not what I want to be doing right now.

"Keeyden" I say and reach out and shake his hand.

"Sorry again Keeyden. I'll see you around" he walks away. I shut the door and proceed back to the bedroom.

When I walk into the room, Charlotte is still asleep, curled up into a ball on one side of the bed. I move the blanket back and try and slowly and quietly get into bed without waking her up.

I'm almost fully into the bed when she rolls over and opens her eyes. She sees me and a big smile lifts on her face. Seeing her smile automatically makes me very happy and I can't help but smile back at her. I get into bed and she slides over to me and wraps her arms around me. She reaches her head up and places a kiss on my lips. I place my hand on her cheek and kiss her back.

She breaks away from the kiss. "Was there someone at the door? I thought I heard a knock" she asks. I have to keep myself from reacting to her question and I must quickly think on the spot and think of an excuse.

"Yeah. It was some random guy looking for someone. He had the wrong door" I lie for the third time in such a short amount of time.

"Oh okay." She believes me. She cuddles back up against me and places her head on my chest. I feel bad about lying to both of them. But I just got Charlie, I'm not letting someone take her away from me. I hold her and before I know it, we're asleep in each other's arms again.

Matthew's POV:

I feel used. I was played. That woman used me for sex and lied to me about what room Charlotte lived in. I want to scream. I got my hopes up and was used. I finally thought that I would see Charlotte again, but that woman lied and used me.

I walk myself around the hotel to try and find my room. I don't know what I'm going to do now. I ruined the rest of my life so that I could be with Charlotte and now I can't even find her.

I finally find my room. I walk in and walk straight to my bed. Today has been a horrible day and I'm really hoping I'll wake up tomorrow in my bed at home and this will all just be a horrible dream.

Hello again beautiful people. Yay I updated tonight! I apologize again for not updating very often. Like I said in the last upload I posted, its finals week so I've been so stressed and distracted. But hopefully you guys like this update. 

I have a couple of ideas for what to write about next chapter. But I'm not a huge fan of them. So please comment on this and tell me what you would like the see happen next. If I like one a lot, then I'll go with that idea and I'll give you credit for the idea. 

Thanks again! 

Enjoy :) 

I also apologize if I have grammatical errors or if the chapter is confusing. It's late and I'm running on very little sleep as well as a very tired brain after writing this and a 12 page paper.

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