|21| Fears

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(A/N) It's literally been forever since I updated this story. Like, the last time I updated this there were 5 members of One Direction and I don't think Four was even out yet.

So this story isn't quite over yet, I've got a few more things I want to do which includes some important development for Louis and Katie.

In case you've forgotten (which is easy to do when yours truly doesn't update for half a year) this is around Christmas time now so I'm going to make everything in the last few chapters all happy and feely.

Except for this chapter...

Louis' POV:

"Kate?" I called out as I closed the front door behind me. There was no response.

I flicked the light switch on and tossed my keys onto the counter. Opening the fridge I found there wasn't much in stock for us to eat. Maybe I should order a pizza.

The house was so quiet, I swear that saying 'so quiet you could hear a pin drop' was as true as can be right about now.

"Kate, are you home?" I shouted a bit louder this time.

A wave of fear came over me all at once and I checked the messages on my phone to make sure I hadn't missed one from her.

There was none.

I rushed up the stairs to see if she had just dozed off or had her headphones on too loud before I begin to panic any more than I already am.

It's so late now, surely she would have told me if she was going to be out this late?

Once I reached the hallway at the top of the steps, my mind was put to ease. The light in the bedroom was on. She was probably listening to music in bed like she often did. I loved coming home to find her sitting up in bed with the blankets wrapped around her and a laptop in front of her. A pair of bright red headphones rested atop her head, blaring all sorts of genres of music. One day she'd be into punk rock or rap or some folksy pop shit, there was literally nothing in between.

Of course I was the same way though.

"Kate?" I opened the already partially open door all the way and scanned into the room. I didn't see her anywhere. She wasn't in the bed.

Walking into the room, I noticed the bathroom light was on and the door closed.

I opened the door and looked inside.

I didn't expect the sight I was met with.

"Kate!" I rushed into the room and dropped to my knees beside her. She was lying on the floor, with an almost hallucinogenic look in her barely open eyes. "What happened, Kate?" I gently pulled her onto my lap. Her eyes fluttered open and she briefly made eye contact with me. It almost seemed as if she didn't recognize me at first, but once it sunk in, tears filled her eyes. A lone wet droplet traveled down her cheek and landed on my knee.

"I'm sorry." She said in a weak, raspy voice that shredded my heart to pieces. "I tried. I'm sorry."

My arms were shaking around her as I realized what was going on. Not that I needed anymore evidence but I looked up from her to see an empty bottle of pills lying on the rug a couple inches away from where we sat.

"You..." I knew what she did and so did she. There was no need to say it. "Katie, why?" I pleaded, gripping her neck with my hand and forcing her to look at me. "Katie?" I asked her again and she closed her eyes.

My mind was racing and I didn't know what to do.

The only thing I could think of was to call an ambulance.

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