|22| Bagpipes

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Emily's POV:

Needless to say, this will go down as one of the most groundbreaking moments in my life. I had no idea what to expect. What do you say to your family who you're meeting for the first time in 20 years? 'Hiya, I'm the granddaughter you never knew you had but always wanted'?

Niall squeezed my hand in support. I think he could tell I was feeling anxious all of a sudden. I stood between him and my father, Paul. We still haven't worked out whether or not I should call him Paul or dad or honestly what.

I hadn't seen much of Ireland yet. Paul immediately called up everyone in his family to tell them the news. I didn't know if I was wanted here or not. He never told me if they were thrilled or devastated to learn about me.

It's a few days before Christmas so some of Paul's family is gathering. I know this is his parents' house. I was nervous about setting foot in a house full of strangers who would be staring at me like I'm a circus animal, so Niall came along with us for support. That way I wouldn't feel as awkward and alone if this ended up being the worse case scenario I keep envisioning.

Are these people ever going to answer their damn door? It feels like I've been standing out here in the cold for ages. I just want this to be over with before I get sick over thinking it any longer.

Finally, the door opened and there in it's place stood a slightly chubby woman with short reddish-greyish hair, an apron, and a short gold chain around her neck with a cross pendant dangling from the bottom. He eyes shot from her son to me, and she lit up with a bright smile. Her head snapped behind her and she shouted into the house, "She's here! She's here!" Niall looked at me with a smile, almost confirming everything was going to be okay and a huge burden of relief fell from my shoulders.

A man who looked like an older, grayer version of Paul appeared behind his way. "Awww..." He cooed, taking in my features for the first time. "She's even lovelier than you described, son."

"Oh! Come on on, sweetie. It's absolutely freezing out here!" She gestured for me to walk past her and come into their home.

"Hey, I can go if you guys want to be alone, I really don't mind." Niall said respectfully.

"Nonsense, we'd be happy to have you, Niall." She insisted and grabbed Niall by the arm, forcefully pulling him inside after me.

"Have a seat wherever you like." The man said, showing off their elegant living space.

"You can call me Grandma if you'd like. Or Ruth. Or Ruthie. Or Grandma Ruthie." She giggled at herself and I smiled as I sat down beside the kind woman.

"And you can call me grandpa Arnold. I've always wanted to be called a grandpa." The burly man smiled so hard, the wrinkles by his eyes blocked his vision. They were so happy because of me and I couldn't believe it.

"I'm gonna check out the kitchen." Niall said before standing up off the couch and making his way to the door.

"You would." I laughed and he turned back to me and smiled before disappearing into the other room.

"I'm going to get your Aunt and Uncle off the porch. They must not have heard me say you were here." Grandma Ruth stood up and walked towards the back door.

"You're going to have to tell us everything about yourself." My grandfather said.

"This is just a lot to take in right now." I admitted and he nodded understandingly. "Everything I've known is wrong. I have a whole family I didn't know about. And I want to thank you for accepting me so willingly."

Let Me Fix You (On Hold)Tahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon