|7| "Please Stay"

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Emily's POV:

"What on earth happened to you?!" Liam greeted us at the door and Zayn rushed over to help us carry Benny into the house. I didn't think we looked that bad but we must have for the reaction Liam gave us. I knew Katie's dress was a little dirty from trying to fight off my father and Harry had a bruise on his head but...ok maybe we did look pretty bad.

"Paul, get in here!" Zayn shouted and Paul rushed in the room as we laid Benny down on the couch.

"I was just about to go out and look for you guys." Paul walked into the room and his eyes widened when he saw Benny lying on the couch. "What the hell happened?"

"We were attacked." Louis said.

"By who?" Paul looked at Benny and then looked at us.

"Emily's dad." Harry answered.

Paul sighed. "Ok, I'm going to make some calls. I'll be back later with a plan." Paul walked up stairs and left us alone. We weren't really sure what to do now so we just kinda stood around awkwardly and looked at each other and Benny.

"We shouldn't have left you guys alone." Liam looked down sadly.

"Yeah." Zayn agreed. "We need to stick together."

"Good idea." Niall said as he sat down next to me. He wrapped an arm around my shoulder. I think we were a lot closer after tonight.

"Do you guys want anything to eat?" Liam asked us.

"No thank you." Katie said.

I shook my head and Niall said, "I feel too sick to eat." Harry seemed to not even hear the question and stared at Benny. Louis was sitting on the floor staring into the roaring fire in fireplace.

"Alright, we'll I'm gonna make some tea." Liam said and walked into the kitchen.

"I'm gonna call Perrie and tell her you guys are ok. She was worried when I told her we split up." Zayn walked upstairs without waiting for a response from us. I don't think any of us would have responded anyway. We were all in our own little daze right now.

I was worried about Louis and by the way Katie was looking at him I could tell she was too. She could akways tell when he was beating himself up over something. I think he felt like he let us down. "Are you ok?" Katie sat down on the floor next to Louis and wrapped her arms around his waist.

"I'm fine." He kissed the top of her head and then looked back into the fire. "Sometimes..." Louis started to speak and then sighed, causing Niall and Harry and look over at them as well. "Sometimes I feel like...I'm the oldest so...if something happens... then..."

"Louis you're not responsible for us." Niall said and Louis closed his eyes. He knew exactly what Louis was feeling. "We're all adults. If something happens to one of us it's our own fault."

"Hey we're going to be fine." Katie touched Louis' hair and smiled at him until he opened his eyes and faced her. "We've got a small army of security remember. What happened tonight won't happen again."

"When you and Emily moved in you became our responsibility." Harry said. "We know what we're up against after tonight. We won't let this happen again."

"I'm not going to leave you, Louis." Those words came out of Katie's mouth and I realized the signifcance of the situation. When Eleanor died Louis never forgave himself. He blames himself for what happened to her. It was her own choice to kill herself but Louis still thinks he could have done something to save her, I know he does. He's worried he won't be able to stop something from happening to us now. Louis looked emotional over Katie's words and she kissed him, probably to prevent him from crying in front of the rest of us.

"Eww, get a room!" Harry jokingly threw a pillow at us from the couch and Niall pretended to cover my eyes.

Then Paul came into the room, not caring if he interruped us or not. "Well I called some of the other guards and got some ideas. Then I called Simon..."

"You called Simon?!" Niall shouted, his voice cracking. "Why would you tell Simon about this?!"

"Because he'll fire me if I don't tell me when this stuff happens. Anyway, he says Emily needs to go."

"What?" Harry and Katie both shouted in unison and Louis and Katie stood up and walked over ot us.

"I thought so." I looked down and then stood up. I knew this was coming. "This will be for the best. I was thinking of leaving myself. I'm only causing you guys trouble. If the paparazi gets ahold of what's going on with my father they'll ruin you guys..."

Niall stood up and faced me. "Please don't leave."

"Everyone will be happier this way." I looked in Niall's eyes sadly. I didn't want to leave but I had to. I was causing more trouble than I was worth. "You guys will be starting shows soon and you don't need the added drama. And I don't want Louis worrying over this anymore." I looked at Louis and he instantly looked as though he felt bad for mentioning his feelings.

I tried to walk away and Niall pulled me back in front of him again. "I won't be happier."

"Neither will I." Katie walked over to us.

"And you won't be any safer alone either." Louis said.

Harry stood up and walked over to us as well. "He's gonna be looking for you now, we have all this security here. You're safer with us."

"Guys, you don't have a choice." Paul interupted us yet again. "Simon said she has to go."

"Screw Simon." Niall said and we all looked at him in shock. I couldn't believe he just said that. I found myself smiling because I didn't know how else to react. "He can't control everything we do. We're One Direction. We get a say in our own personal lives."

"I'm still not sure this is a good idea." The smile from my face faded.

"Emily please." Niall started and grabbed my hands. "We love having you here. I don't know about the other guys but you really make me feel happy and...I've never gotten along with anyone the way I get along with you..." Niall's voice trailed off and he started giving me that look that he was giving me hours ago when we were upstairs in Katie's room...before Paul had interrupted us... "Emily...I...I love you."

I was speechless. This is a dream, isn't it? I'm dreaming right? That's got to be it. There's no way Niall could love someone like me when there's so many pretty celebrities and models he sees everyday. He coule have paractically anyone but yet he loves me?

"I love you too." I said it without even thinking about it aother second.

Paul felt awkward and slowly backed out of the room and Niall pulled me into a hug. "Please stay. For me." He whispered in my ear.

"Ok." I hugged him back and we just stayed in that moment, holding each other for as long as we could. "What about Simon though? Isn't he going to be pissed?"

"Don't worry about Simon." Louis said. "We'll take care of him."

"You know we should probably...like..." Harry started speaking and we all looked over at him. He was standing over Benny and looking at us. "We should probably get a doctor or some kind of help for him shouldn't we?"

"Oh yeah." I mumbled and everyone else mumbled something in agreement. How did we keep forgetting about that poor guy?

(A/N) Sorry for the boring detail-y chapter. XD But hey at least Niall and Emily are finally together. C: I'm not sure what will happen next so I don't know when the next chapter will be up. Hopefully I'll get some more ideas so I can update it again soon.

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