|2| Stranded

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Katie's POV:

I can't believe I drove Emily and I 3 hours into town to watch her fall to her knees and fangirl like a...well like a fangirl! Clearly later I have to sit her down and have a talk with her about this. Her and I are becoming popular among the fans since we're so close to the boys, we can't get ourselves in embarassing situations like this for their sake. Simon will have our heads if this hapens again. Luckily there were no paparazi this time and the few reporters that were there didn't seem to recognize us.

Emily is happy and that's all that matters. Now we were driving back to the loft and she was smiling like an idiot while typing away on her phone.

"Are you tweeting your pictures already?" I looked over to her and then looked back to the road. It had been a beautiful sunny day and now it's gotten dark and cloudy. It was only 5pm, I didn't think the snow would start this early? We still had another hour or so until we reached the loft, I was really hoping the storm would hold off until then.

"Oh my gosh look how cute this one is." I swear she squealed out that word. She shoved her phone in my face so closely that I really couldn't see the picture she was trying to show me. I hadn't seen her this happy in a long time.

"Why are we slowing down?" She looked up from her phone.

"Ducks." I answered.

"What?" I think she thought I was swearing. I just pointed to the family of ducks very slowly crossing the road in front of us. "Oh." She laughed at herself and looked back down to her phone.

I felt my phone vibrate in my pocket and I pulled it out to check it. At the speed these ducks were moving it looked like we were gonna be sitting here for awhile. It was a notification that I had been tweeted.

"@QueenKatieD and myself at the autograph signing today with @wwwbigbaldhead! Look how cute Normie is in this picture with us!"

I laughed way louder than I should have. Hopefully I didn't hurt her feelings too badly. "Normie? Really Em? I'm sure a badass vampire slayer is gonna be real thrilled about being called Normie." I rolled my eyes at her.

"Zombies, Katie! Not vampires! Zombies! God how many times do we have to go over this..." She shook her head at me in disappointment.

"Sorry sorry! Zombies!" I'm afraid I've never gotten into that kind of sci-fi stuff.

Thankfully the ducks had passed and we could continue our journey home. Just in time too, Emily was dangerously close to giving me a zombie lecture. She was too pretty to be a geek.

Just as we started going again the car slowed down.

"More ducks?" She looked up at me from her phone.

"Um...no. I'm not doing this." The car slowly came to a stop. I loked at the dashboard but there were no emergency lights on. We had gas and Paul put in a fresh can of oil in this morning. I looked at Emily and she was about to start panicing. "Don't worry we'll be fine, let me just check under the hood real quick." I got out of the car and raised the hood. This girl is no mechanic. I don't know who I was kidding. I was just pretending to look busy so Emily didn't freak out on me. As far as my knowledge of cars goes, which isn't very far, nothing looked wrong. I walked back over to the door and leaned in. "I...really have no idea what's wrong. Don't worry we're not too far away from home I'll just call Louis and he'll come pick us up." Emily nodded and I got out my phone.

Damnit, she's been tweeting for hours and now when we actually need to use the phone for it's intended purpose there's no signal. That is so my luck. "I've got no signal how about you."

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