|16| Kidnapped

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(A/N) Sorry the last chapter was so short. I was going to make it longer but I wanted to post it before I went to Walmart (THE ONE DIRECTION OREOS ARE IN. I BET Y'ALL ARE EXCITED ABOUT THAT.)

Ahem anyway. This chapter will be a bit longer hopefully. XD

THE END IS NEAR FOR THIS STORY. CAN YOU BELIEVE THIS WILD RIDE IS FINALLY COMING TO A CLOSE? That's almost sad. It's been so much fun writing this. Thank you everyone who's read it this far. This is my longest story yet and my favorite. I update it more than any of the others so it really means a lot to me. Ily all.

Weeell that's enough feels. Let's start. XD

Norman's POV:


I am working alongside complete idiots.

These guys are idiots.

Charlie's Angels formation? Really? Are they serious?

I thought my plan was actually pretty good but with these fools it might not work.

"What are you supposed to be? Charlie's Angels?" Emily's father asked us. Yes, Mr. Manon those are my thoughts exactly...

"Don't joke with us, we're armed." Michael said, his cleaver shaking in his hands.

Stephan just laughed uncontrollably at us. I looked at the faces of the confused band members sat on the couch behind him. Then I looked up to the two thugs sending on the other side of room shaking their heads at how pathetic we looked.

While Stephan was distracted laughing, Michael ran past him and lunged at one of the thugs. The one standing beside him let out a girly squeal and ran to the other side of the room. Michael tackled the remaining one pretended to stab him. Of course the knife was plastic and it didn't actually do anything so he hit him on the top of the head with the heavy handle until the guy was unconscious. Michael walked back over to us with a badass smirk on his face. Stephan looked at the scene Michael left with his jaw dropped. Michael had made use of the ketchup quite nicely as well. It actually looked like he had just killed the guy.

Stephan looked at us and back at his 'dead' thug, unable to speak.

"Get on your knees!" Calum shouted, aiming his crossbow at Stephan and gesturing for him to get on the ground. I shook my head at him in disappointment. Calum was holding the crossbow backwards and it was aimed at his own chest.

"Calum, that's...you're holding it..."

"What?" He looked at me innocently.

"The...it's...oh, nevermind." I realized that even though it was aimed at his chest it was still fooling Stephan so I wasn't going to say anything. It's plastic anyway, it's not like he could actually hurt himself with it. The worst these idiots could do is poke someone's eye out.

Stephan dropped his gun and got on his knees with his hands above his head, just as Calum ordered. I quickly grabbed the gun off the floor. Calum kept his crossbow pointed at Stephan's head and Michael was still guarding the two unconscious thugs on the floor. "Where did you kids get weapons like that?" He asked.

"Um, Paul keeps a very organized assortment of weapons in his closet." Ashton bluffed as he and Luke worked on freeing the boyband and the girls from the ties around their wrists.

"You don't have to answer to scum like him, Ash." Luke said and the two glared at Stephan.

"Nice work, lads." Liam said, rubbing his wrists.

"Are you alright, Katie?" Ashton asked her as he gently untied her ropes and helped her to her feet. Luke rolled his eyes at the sight.

"I'm fine. You guys were just...I can't believe you did that." Katie giggled. In my short experience knowing her, giggling seemed to be how she recovered from a serious situation.

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