|15| Norman's Angels

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Ashton's POV:

I didn't know what time it was because there was no clock in our room for some reason. So I checked my phone. Only 7:30am? It felt like I had slept later than that. Michael and I were sharing this room and Calum and Luke were sharing the room next to ours.

I guess it was Mike that woke me up. He was sitting in a beanbag chair across the room, strumming his guitar.

"Morning, sleeping beauty." He joked, looking up at me from his guitar.

"Ugh, why are you playing guitar when you could be sleeping?" I groaned and tried to lay back down and go to sleep.

"I had an idea for a song and I wanted to write it down before I forgot it."

"Well write it, don't play it. Some people actually like to sleep at normal hours."

"Sorry." Mike said and he noisly put his guitar back into it's case. I clearly wasn't going to get back to sleep at this rate so I decided to get up. "I'm gonna get something to eat." Mike said and stood up.

"I'll go with you." I got up slowly and Michael laughed at how slow I was moving. I wasn't the greatest morning person. Especially after drinking like we did last night.

The two of us walked out of the room and saw all the lights on downstairs. "Is everyone already awake?" I asked. Michael shrugged. "It's so early though, what's wrong with these lads?"

As we walked down the stairs side by side, I suddely stopped and stuck my arm out to stop Michael. I got a sick feeling suddenly. It was so quiet down there. This was One Direction's house. They're nearly as loud and obnoxius as we are. Something is wrong with this picture.

"What?" He whispered.

"I don't know. Something feels wrong..."

"That's called your stomach growling. Come on, I'm starved." He pushed my arm out of the way and took a step past me.

"No! Wait!" I whisper yelled and pulled him back by his shirt.

"Seriously?" He looked back at me.

Mike was going to say something more but just before he could, a deep unfamilar voice coming from downstairs caught our attention. "This is the greatest challenege I've ever faced." The voice said and Mike and I quietly moved back upstairs to listen from a place where we couldn't be seen. "How does one kill 6 kids, 5 of which are celebrities, and make it look like an accident?"

Mike and I looked at each other at the same time. "Well, shit." I whispered.

"This must be Emily's dad." Michael said the obvious.

"Ya think?" I sarcastically whispered back.

Her father continued to gloat. "I think I'll kill you first." He pointed his gun at Harry. "Because I'm so sick of seeing your pretty face on tv and in magazines and on t-shirts. It's sickening."

"Look, why don't I just go with you and you can leave them out of this." Emily said.

"It's too late for that baby. I tried to do that but you wouldn't let me. Now I know these stubborn assholes will never stop looking for you so I'll have to elimanate them."

"Oh and you think it'll be so much better if you kill 6 celebrities instead of just kidnapping one?" Liam protested.

"You'll make it worse for yourself. If the police don't find you, the fans will." Harry said.

"The fans will do this, the fans will do that. The fans love us, the fans will save us." He mocked them "I'm so sick of your cutesy fan bullshit. They'll move on to the next pretty face and you'll be forgotten." After he said those words everything grew quiet. Mike and I looked at each other, unsure of what to do.

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