|10| I Drive All Night, To Keep Her Warm

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Niall's POV:

I opened my eyes and all I could see was the ground. My neck was throbbing in pain so I couldn't look up. I finally forced myself to move and the pain subsided in my neck. Where the hell was I? It was dark in the room but there where lights from outside shining in the windows. Probably street lights or something. Now I could see this was some kind of boiler room. And by how high the windows were up I was in a basement. I stood up and looked around. I was so dizzy, the room was spinning. I couldn't even remember how I got here. I stood against the wall until I was able to see straight and quickly noticed I wasn't in this room alone. There was someone lying on the floor in the corner. I didn't feel as dizzy suddenly and slowly walked over to the person. The closer I got the more I could see. She had dark blonde hair. This had to be Emily. "Emily?" I said as I leaned down next to her and rolled her body over so she was facing me. "Emily? Please, say something?" I pulled her onto my lap and held her until she woke up.

"Niall?" Her eyes fluttered open and she smiled at me. "Where are we?"

"I don't know. The last thing I remember was..." Everything came back to me suddenly and I rubbed my eyes. "Oh...it was your father..."

"I know that part."

"I thought you got away though?" I didn't realize I was doing this for some time it but I was stroking her hair while she talked.

"I did but I went out looking for you."

"Alone?" I asked and she nodded. I didn't know what else to say. There wasn't a way out of here that I saw so we just sat there in silence.

"I'm sorry about everything. You shouldn't have to be invovled in this. It's my problem not yours." Emily crawled off my lap suddenly and walked over to the door. I actually didn't notice there was a door somehow. Of course there's a door, there's always a door. How else would we have gotten in here. "It's um, it's locked of course." She spoke quickly before I could comment on what she said previously.

"Emily I'm glad I'm here with you." I stood up and walked over to her. "I don't know what's going to happen but I'm glad you don't have to go through it alone."

"He said he was going to kill me." She turned away from me and stared at the ground.

"I won't let him." I grabbed her shoulders and turned her back my direction. "You know I love you right?" Why did I blurt that out...as if this wasn't a weird enough situation already...

"You may have mentioned that once." She smiled.

"Um..." I reached into my pocket and pulled out a little bag. "I...I forgot..."

"About what?" She looked at the bag in my hands and then back up to me.

"When Paul came upstairs...that day...I was going to give you this." I dumped the bracelet out of the bag and put it in my hand.

"It's...beautiful." Her face lit up and for that moment we forgot about where we were. I figured if we were going to die, and there was a 50% chance we might, I should at least see what would have happened between us...

"Let me put it on ya." I grabbed her hand and walked her over to the small ray of light shining in through the window. "You look beautiful."

"Thanks." She blushed and looked me in the eyes. Her eyes were so beautiful I couldn't help but get lost in them. I completely forgot where were again.

"I um, I bought that quite awhile ago. I don't know why I waited so long to give it to you. I just...I guess I was..." I stopped speaking as she put her hands on my neck and pulled me closer to her and we kissed. I've kissed quite a few girls before. Old girlfriends, drunk celebrities, even a couple fans...but it was never like this. I'd never felt anything like this before. I didn't know a kiss could be like this. Our moment was interuprted when the doorknob began to jiggle. I wrapped both of my arm around her. I know she hated when someone tried to protect her but I couldn't help it. I felt like we were Louis and Katie suddenly. He was always looking after her and she thought he was overly protective. Their relationship was really special, like no other couple I've ever seen before and I was terribly jealous of it. I think some of the other boys were also.

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