|9| The Grand Theft Auto Gods

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Emily's POV:

I think I finally lost Katie so I slowed down. I had a long ways to go, I couldn't afford to lose all my energy by running. It was so much colder than I thought and it had begun snowing. Great. I couldn't turn back now, I needed to fix this. It was my fault Niall was missing. They've been calling it 'missing' but we all know damn well that he was kidnapped. It's exactly like Zayn said, my father was going to use someone I care about as bait to lure me to him. He knows how stubborn I am.

I reached into my pockets and pulled out my gloves. I slipped them on and began clmbing up hill.

This must be how Elsa felt.

Except the cold does bother me.

There it is. I'm finally here. I approached a building up ahead. I didn't know if this was it but from what I remember there weren't any other buildings around. There were no windows but I could see a light coming from under the door and I could hear people talking inside. I swear if they hurt a single hair on Niall's head...

My thoughts were interrupted by a sharp pain on the back of my head and everything quickly went black.

Louis' POV:

The snow was falling so hard earlier that was decided to invite Daryl...or was his real name Norman... to stay the night. Everyone stayed up for a few hours to talk to Daryl while Katie and I went to bed before everyone else. We were going to stay awake and wait for everyone to go to bed but, after such a long day the boring movie we were watching in bed had put us to sleep. I looked at the clock which read 1:00am and stroked Katie's hair until she woke up. "Katie? Katie, wake up love."

"What time is it?" She yawned.


"Ok, are you sure we should do this?" She yawned again and rolled out of my arms.

"Why not, it's not like we can get in anymore trouble than we're already in?" We both crawled out of bed and got dressed into more appropriate clothing. I put on a black sweater, a black beanie, and a black jacket. Katie walked out of the bathroom also wearing a black sweater and and black jacket and black skinny jeans and her tall black boots that she loves so much. How did she look so pretty in spy apparel...

"You know... if you had some black eye liner on and I had a nose ring we'd be a matching goth couple." I said while I slipped a black beanie on her head.

"How many beenies do you have?" She laughed a little and I just shrugged. We both quietly snuck out of the room after that. I don't know what we were thinking honestly. We had no plans. We didn't even know where Emily was going. We were just going to drive around on a wild goose chase? I was hoping Katie had all of this thought out already because as far as I was cocerned I was just going to drive. If we were smart we would have grabbed something to use as a weapon in case we find her father but...we're idiots so...

Katie suddenly stopped walking and grabbed my coat and pulled me next to her. "Let's make sure he's asleep." She peered into Paul's room. The door wasn't lached so she was able to quietly open it just enough to stick her head through the opening. I looked in above her head and saw Paul sitting up in the bed, much like we were just a few minutes earlier, asleep with the tv on, his laptop open on his lap, and a transistor radio in his hand. In case you were wondering Paul snores like a cow.

"Looks like we're good to go." I whispered as she closed to door quietly, leaving it just as it was when we found it. We crept down the hall and out the front door. It was almost too easy actually. Some security we have. I'll have to ask Paul to install some kind of motion sensors or something after this.

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