|5| The Charity Show

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(A/N) So first I'd just like to clarify something that I need to go back and add into the first chapter. The tour the boys are on in this story is the TMH tour not WWA tour. Yes I realize I made Frozen references and Frozen was released after the TMH tour but this is my freaky little universe ok. XD There's a reason I'm doing this and it will all make sense later. XD Also this story is probably only going to be in Emily, Niall, Katie, and Louis' POV since they're the main characters but we'll see how it goes. I don't actually know how this will end yet so I might surprise you guys. 0_0

Emily's POV:

"That's what makes you beautiful." Harry sang the last words of their classic, crowdpleasing song and the audience cheered. For a small town we managed to attract a pretty big audience. There were probably 400 or 500 people in the huge gym that Theo and his mom had rented out for this. Didn't I tell you this felt like a prom? It even looked like a prom. Which was nice because I had never been to a prom before. I wasn't exactly the prettiest girl in school. Anyway, Katie and I had been sitting at a little table by the window, shaking the hands of those who recognized us but mostly keeping to ourselves the entire night. After the boys sang they took some pictures with fans and signed some autographs. Louis and Katie danced to a few songs after that. There were no paparrazi here to snap pictures of them and start rumors so they were going to take advantage of the opportunity to be together as a normal couple for once. I noticed she was wearing the necklace that Louis had showed me earlier. I don't know when he gave it to her but that explained why she seemed so easy-going and carefree tonight. She kept trying to talk to me when we were alone earlier and I ignored her. She seemed so happy, I didn't want to bring her down with my problems with Niall.

Now Katie and I were sitting together again. Liam and Harry found girls to dance with. Zayn felt weird around all the couples dancing and stepped out of the gym to call Perrie. I don't know where Louis had run off to. Niall was standing next to the food table stuffing cake in his face. He kept as far away from me as possible it seemed. He never made eye contact with me the entire evening and did his best not to come anywhere near our table.

"Ok did I do something to offend you?" Katie looked at me from across the table. "Because you haven't wanted to talk to me all evening. I've spoke to you twice and you haven't said a word. I'm sorry for whatever I did that..."

"No! You didn't do anything!" I grabbed her hand that was resting on the table and gave it a squeeze before looking back to Niall who was still shoving cake in his face. Maybe he was really embarassed about what happened between us back home. Or maybe he just really loves this cake? You never know with Niall.

"Ok, well what's up then?"

I sighed. "I don't know, something weird hapened with Niall and I before we left."

"Really? Like what?" She leaned in.

"He was going to say something to me I think. Then we got really close to each other and...if Paul hadn't come upstairs... I think we might have... kissed."

"Awww!" Katie covered her mouth with her hands because her 'awww' was WAY too loud. She was such a hopeless romantic sometimes. "Sorry."

"We didn't kiss though and now he's ignoring me...it's nothing to 'awww' about Kate."

"Don't worry, I'm sure he just needs some times to put his feelings together and figure out what happened. He can't ingore you forever."

Katie left me alone again shorly after that, some fans wanted pictures with her and Louis and I watched them take a bunch of goofy pictures from my table. I looked back at the food table to see NIall but he wasn't there. I scanned the room over for a moment before I heard a familar voice behind me. An Irish one.

Let Me Fix You (On Hold)Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora