|18| The Kidnapping

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"As you can see, there's helicopters overhead above this abanonded factory building in downtown Toronto. Police cars have been parked in front of the building for a few minutes now. We've gotten reports that members of the British boyband One Direction are inside. If you haven't been paying attention to the developing situation with this group over the past few days, one of the band members Niall Horan's supposed girlfriend was reportedly kidnapped by her estranged father multiple times this week. It's believed there's some kind of comfrontation going on inside with her father right now. The police have the entire building surrounded but have yet to make an attempt to enter. We'll bring you more details into this story as we receive them."

Emily's POV:

Paul grabbed my arm and pulled me behind him while we ran through the darkened hallways of the building. "Stay behind me at all times. I'm not going to let him take you again." Paul said reassuringly. We were walking through back hallways that the staff probably used. They were too tight for normal people to comfortablly walk down. "Niall?" Paul shouted and stopped in front of me. I peered over his shoulder and saw that we'd come to sort of a crossroads. There was a narrow staircase going up, one going down and two open doors to other hallways. "God damnit." He mumbled.

"What do we do now?" I asked him.

He just stood there silently for a moment while he put a plan together. "I don't know." He admitted. "Let's go up." I followed Paul up the winding stairs until we reached the top. He opened the door and we walked through it onto the roof. We were on the roof of the building? Why were there helicopters surrounding us? "News choppers." Paul answered me. I didn't even ask about the helicopters but he knew I was thinking it.

Paul pulled out his gun and kept it down low as to not attract the attention of the media's helicopters. He held my arm so I'd stay behind him while we walked across the room. Finally I spotted Niall, walking around just as lost looking as Paul and I were. "Niall!" I shouted. Paul released my arm and I ran over to him. He threw his arms around me and held me there for a moment. "What's wrong with you? Why would you run up here like that?" I slapped him on the shoulder roughly, mostly out of fear.

"Ow!" He rubbed his shoulder but I knew he was faking it, I hadn't hit him that hard. "I didn't want him to get away again but it looks like he did."

"Niall, Did you see him come up here?" Paul asked.

"Yeah, I'm sure of it."

"Well he has to be here somewhere." Paul turned around and scoped out the roof again. The spot lights from the helicopters were shining down on Niall and I embracing each other. That felt a bit awkward but neither of us cared. "Alright, let's go. I don't care where he is. I just want you kids back home safely." Paul put his gun away and walked back over to us.

"You know, he might have sneaked back down the stairs we came from." I suggested.

"That was a good guess but you're young, dear." The familiar sarcastic voice of my father, or whoever he was, called to us from over the roaring helicopter motors. Our necks practically snapped to see him behind us, standing on the ledge of the building.

"Are...are you gonna jump?" Niall asked.

"Thinkin' about it." He answered and looked over the edge.

"Now you don't have to jump." Paul said and Niall and I glared at him. We knew he had to say that though. "You need help. We can get you the help you need. You don't have to end your life."

"I said I was going to jump. I didn't say I was going to end my life. What kind of idiot do you think I am?" He laughed at us evily and then fell weightlessly off the side of the building. We all knew he had some type of plan. A few seconds of staring at the empty side of the building and a helicopter flew from below the ledge. He was in the helicopter of course. I'll never know exactly how he fell off the building and landed in his buddy's helicopter but he did.

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