|11| Story Of My Life

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Niall's POV:

I woke up to the sun blinding me. I rubbed my eyes and looked at the clock on the dash. It was 6am. I looked at Louis next to me, he was still wide awake and staring straight ahead. I looked at the girls in the back and they were sound asleep. Emily looked so peaceful...

"Morning, Snowflake." Louis grinned at me. The lack of sleep hadn't effected his personality at all.

"You too, Boobear." Louis glared at me and then looked back to the road. "Where are we anyway?"

"I don't know."

"You've been driving around in the dark getting us lost haven't you?" I pulled out the map from the glovebox.

"No I... will you stop it with the map you know that thing is useless." He slapped the map out of my hands. I felt my phone buzz in my pocket and I pulled it out.

"Hey, Liam said Paul is gonna be fine. It wasn't anything serious, the bullet just hit his arm." I read the text out loud. "They're taking him back home." Louis turned the car around and we drove back in the direction of the loft. The roads were clear of snow by now and the giant log that was blocking the road before was gone so we were able to drive home. As we pulled into the driveway I quickly noticed the security van the boys were driivng was already back.

"Ok, how the hell did they get back here before us?" Louis groaned and got out of the car. We gently woke up Katie and Emily and guided them into the house. We walked in and saw Liam, Zayn, and Harry sprawled out across the living room asleep.

"Glad to see you guys were so worried about us." I shouted and Zayn and Liam jumped to their feet while Harry fell off the couch.

"Sorry, we were tired." Liam said while he helped Harry to his feet. "Where have you guys been?"

"Driving." Louis took of his jacket and threw it next to the clothes rack before sitting on the couch. And when I say sitting I mean more like passing out. He looked exhausted all of a sudden and you can't blame him really. I felt a little guilty for sleeping all those hours while he was awake.

Paul walked in the room with his arm in a sling. "Glad you guys are back." He smiled at us.

"I'm so sorry you got shot." Emily said, looking at him sadly.

"I always knew I'd have to take a bullet for you kids one of these days." He laughed about it.

"Oh, Paul, when we were at Emily's father's place we found this." I pulled the medical records out of my pocket and handed them to Paul.

"What are these?" He looked at me confused.

"They're Emily's mom's medical records but they're both different. We were hoping you could find out which one was real."

He still acted confused as he looked over the papers. "Alright, I'll have someone check them out later. Oh, now that they're back we need to talk about something, lads." He walked past the girls and I and over to where Harry, Liam, and Zayn were standing. "Simon called earlier. He wants your new song sent over this morning."

"Um...we...haven't exactly finished it yet." Harry scratched his neck and looked at the tablet sitting on the coffee table.

"Or started it for that matter." Zayn confessed.

Paul took a deep breath. "We warned you guys that the girls would be a distraction." I looked over at Katie and Emily who were still standing in the room. They were looking at each other sadly. Sometimes Paul didn't think before he spoke.

"They're not a distraction." Zayn groaned. "The only distraction is Emily's father. If he wasn't here we would have had the song finished ages ago."

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