jolinsky {2}

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GUESS WHOS GOING TO SEA WEOLD TOMORROW. THIS BITCH ISSSS. yeah, ik I'm almost a teenager but who doesn't like sea world

johnson: jack..

gilinsky: yeah baby ?

johnson: so I took the test

gilinsky: AND ??!1!!?1?!

johnson: negative..

gilinsky: I'm sorry baby. well try again

johnson: I just wanted to be able to do it once and have a baby. not multiple times when there's  barely a chance

gilinsky: we will do whatever it takes to get a baby and that's that

johnson: but what if we never get what we want

gilinsky: then we will adopt. I know it won't be the same but it's better than not having a child

johnson: I know. you promise well get a baby

gilinsky: promise *sticks pinkie out*

johnson: *hooks my pinkie around yours*
awwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwww. this was a sad/cute one. like feels aw

ily all <3
- lexi

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