dear so & so

183 5 11

i'm meeting shawn??!1?!?12!3?2!

i'm lame and basic and wanted to do this don't judge me,,

dear self, i wish u were more confident and outgoing. u let too many things get in ur way of living.
dear mom & dad, ur both my role models and i admire u incredibly.
dear crush, ur actually not my crush anymore. i've learned to move on after i finally managed to realize that u didn't like me back (and that ur a douche).
dear school, u r the main cause of my stress.
dear siblings, i don't see u 2 v often and i wish we were closer.
dear past me, u were cute idk what happened im srry.
dear first love, i can't wait to get to know u.
dear future me, grow up a lil and be less annoying. don't let anything stop u.
dear best friend(s), thank u, from the bottom of my heart, for always being there for me.
dear future child, it's my fault that ur gonna be ugly i apologize now.
dear person i hate, pls don't talk to me i don't wanna go to pear medication again.
dear person i love, hey mom and dad.
dear ex best friend, ur my best friend again but it felt like death when u left me the first time.
dear people who hate me, i'm legit not a bad person wut??
dear boyfriend, i can't wait until i meet u.

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⏰ Última actualización: Mar 09, 2017 ⏰

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