hello; shaylor

547 32 7

{third person}

shawn grabbed the old, wrinkled paper, spreading out the crinkled lines. he sighed and begun reading for the fifth time that day.

      hello ,shawn, it's me, taylor. i know that it's been a few years since we've seen each other, but after all of them, would you like to meet? maybe we could go over everything? you know how time's supposed to heal you? well, i haven't done much healing. i'm in california right now; dreaming of what we used to be. i miss you. we were younger and free. there's a huge difference between us and thousands of miles. right now, i'm saying hello to you from the other side. i've probably called a thousand times now to say that i'm sorry for everything i've done. though, when i call you never seem to be home. i'm saying hello from the outside. at least now, i can say that i've tried to tell you that i'm sorry for breaking your heart. well, goodbye now. until next time, shawn.

i love you, taylor

shawn wiped his tears, picking up his smartphone. after deep thought, shawn thought this was the right thing.

"hey, tay. yeah, it's me."
I love hello by adele omfg.

next: group chat
- lex

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