thanksgiving; shaylor

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I only do shaylor imagines lol

but guys, should I attach this to my shawn imagine book, make some changes, and post an imagine on there too?? :/

ok I'm gonna
shawn had his daughter on his back as he carries his cell phone between his ear and shoulder.

"yes, mum. yes, come over at two. okay, i love you too. jen, will you hang up for me, please?"

"uh huh. bye grandma," jenna yelled into the phone. "here, daddy."

in front of the couch, shawn bent forward causing his daughter to tumble from his back to the piece of furniture as she squealed.

"the best family member is home," yelled a voice from the front door.

two tiny feet could be heard padding against the wood floor. the toddler wrapped his arms around shawn's legs as shawn was reaching for plates in the cabinet.

shawn crouched down in front of the toddler and wrapped his arms around him.

"hey, liam. how was the store, bud?" he asked.

liam responded with "good" as he kept his head in the crook of his father's neck. shawn picked him up as he walked to taylor, who was setting the table in the dining room.

he sat liam on the couch next to jenna before moving to his husband.

"happy thanksgiving, baby boy," taylor whispered to shawn, cradling their bodies against one another.

"happy thanksgiving, tay," shawn mumbled, pulling away and walking to the kitchen as taylor followed.

"will you help me set things out?" shawn asked with a pout.

"of course," taylor responded before grabbing food and heading towards the table.

a knock was heard at the door as jenna jumped up quickly and answered it.

"hi grandma. hi papa. hi auntie liyah," she happily screamed.

the group gathered in the dining room after taking their jackets off. shawn and taylor greeted all of them as aaliyah was more interested in liam than the rest of her family.

shawn called everyone to the table as he strapped liam into his high chair. grace was then said as everyone put their hands together and heads down.

"jen jen, what are you doing?" liam called out as jenna sat frozen and looking up, pieces of turkey in her hands and mouth.

"jenna marie," taylor scolded, handing her a napkin.

"i'm thankful for my loving and forgiving daddies," jenna tried, the five year old smiling with hope.

I can barely see my fucking keyboard w these cracks.

this was 400 words holy

- lex

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