always; shaylor

677 36 21

this was hard for me to write.
"no, taylor! once a cheater, always a cheater..," i yell, slamming the door in his face.

taylor opens the door, holding his nose and an angry look on his face. "look, shawn, i said i was sorry. okay?" he tries to reason.

"no! not 'okay'. do you understand how much it hurts to be cheated on, not once, but twice? do you?"

"no, but-," taylor says, not being able to finish when i cut him off.

"exactly! you don't know how much this hurts and how much heartbreak it causes. you were supposed to be committed, not running off and finding a guy when i don't feel like having sex! it makes me feel like you were using me just for your pleasure," i yell, wiping the tears and sweat off of my face and pushing my brown hair back.

he walks towards me and i find myself against the wall, trying to put space between myself, and the man i love - well, once loved.

"p-please, tay, just go," i whimper.

"you don't understand, shawn, if i can't have you, then nobody can," taylor chuckles, reaching behind him.

i soon find myself trapped with a silver knife's point against my stomach, held by a person i thought cared for me. with wide eyes, i gulp and tears start rolling down my face.

"listen, tay, please. we can stay together, okay? i promise." shaky breaths come out of my mouth.

"that's not how it works, shawnie. if i hadn't done this, you wouldn't agree to come back to me." more laughs come from taylor.

a sharp pain rips through my body as taylor lodges the knife into my body, further with each thrust.

my knees collapse and i find myself on the floor, my shirt being soaked by my own blood.

"i'll always be your last lover, shawnie. i doubt you'll regret it. have fun dying," taylor whispers close to my ear and kissing just above it afterwards.

and just like that, he walks out of the house, leaving me here to die.

k that was new for me lmao. also be sure to check out my new shaylor story called "act like you love me"

- lex :-)

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