marter {3}

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carter: don't cry

matthew: I'm trying

carter: just come cuddle

carter: lay ur head on my chest

matthew: can I come over??

carter: of course

carter: I'll rub ur back

carter: and give u forehead kisses

carter: I love u and I don't like seeing u sad

matthew: I wanna kiss you so bad

carter: and hold ur hand, and lay in bed with u and rub ur back

matthew: pls

carter: I would just lay there and look at u bc u would be mine and that would be perfect just like u

carter: I sorta feel like omg he's so handsome why on earth is he talking to me
in social studies my class had to present a project we did, right? I fucking died. my face was vvvvvvvvvvvv red and I was shaking and yeahhh. brb dying in a hole

- lex

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