Chapter 2

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Zayn I think that's his name saw me he raised an eyebrow "Arent you the one I just saw earlier?" Zayn said I nodded "Well Ashera they want to adopt you as a sister for them they already signed the papers and they're done they only need for your agreement , I stood there for a while , I looked up to the miss she nodded with a big smile , I looked at them "it's okay Ashera you may take your time thinking" I smiled to them "Okay I guess.." I said they all smiled "Ashera you may go up and take your things!"they said I ran up and saw May sitting packing her things when she saw me she stood up and smiled I ran toward her and gave her a bear hug we looked at each other as we were communicating with our eyes , her eyes almost teared up Jaqueleen came "C'mon your parents are waiting for you"she said to may and may took her small backpack and went down I stood there for a while revising my memories of the orphanage I went toward my bed and opened the drawer and took out a book and opened the second drawer and took out a small box this box was the only thing that was left from my parents it was a music box that mom and dad gave me in Christmas , and I took out another box that had some jewelry I got last Christmas from May I've putten it in my small backpack and went down they were standing , May was still there shocked "May you haven't go yet?"I asked her.
"They really are going to adopt I thought it was only a rumor"she said and the boys laughed "Yeah they really are"I whispered "Who do you think they will adopt ? oh and also where are the people that are going to adopt"she asked I pointed my hand at them she looked at my hand looked at them and then looked at me then she relized that I was going to be adopted by them "May they are waiting for you" The miss said to her "Youre really lucky Ashera"she said and gave ma a hug and left "Ready to go , Ashera?"they asked I smiled to them and nodded , they all rode the car and I rode last I sat beside a blonde haired boy he kept smiling "Hi Ashera I am Niall"He said and I smiled to him but there was something wrong "Are you Irish?"I asked then he nodded to me "This is Zayn and Harry and Liam and this is Louis"he said and everyone said hi, all the way to the house we kept talking and talking .

when we reached there I was the first to go out of the car , the house was huge and when I say huge I really meant it the rest of the boys led me the way Liam opened the door "Shall we give you a house tour ?"liam asked and I nodded Niall took my hand and ran to a door "This is the most important part .. Kitchen !!"he said and I giggled Harry took my hand and led me outside there was a pool and a swing (LOL a swing) there was a small fountain I was amazed "Cool isn't it ?"he asked me I nodded Liam took my hand and led me inside to a big door "This is the music room"He said and opened the door there was a guitar and piano and drums almost everything was in there I went to the guitar and sat down on the chair and took the guitar and started to play a song it was 'what makes you beautiful 'my friend from guitar class taught me well you see I just went to a trip to music class and everyone went to the class he / she wanted to go to so I went to the Guitar class .When Liam heard he began to sing "Youre insecure don't know what for" I stopped playing and looked at him "It's 'what makes you beautiful' it was sang by us"he said and I smiled well that's cool I thought Louis took my hand and ran to a room he opened the door "And it's the Gaming room!"he said and I giggled at his expretion I went to every game and took a look then Zayn took my hand and went upstairs he showed the rooms the most messy room was louis's room and the most tidy room was liam's room "Well that will be your room"he said too me and led me to it it was a normal room I smiled to him.

Cover by : trustyourparabatai

One Direction Adopted Me !?Opowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz