Chapter 9

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A/N : Amy isn't a real person she's just from my own imagination , there's a fan fiction about Amy and Harry , and that's why I used Amy .

Flash back 2 years ago
I dated a celebrity secretly ; so I don't get busted , but then one day it was midnight , I went to the back studio, I was so happy to meet him , but I saw him with a girl smooching , the girl was pinned to the wall , I got so mad and when he looked at me from the corner of his eye he didn't stop , the next day I haven't sleep all night ; thinking about the girl who was with him , I tried to forget everything happened last night , I went down to have breakfast , but my mobile rang , it was him , he told me to come to the park , I went there he told he would be behind a tree , I searched all the trees, at last !! I found him but he was with the same girl he was with yesterday, under the tree they were kissing I felt really mad, he stood and walked toward me, and the girl followed him "Wh-Who is this ..?" I asked him "This is my girlfriend" he said, you got really mad you slapped his face "I don't like you anymore you aren't attractive at all" he said, I started sobbing tears.
Flashback 3 months ago
Harry asked me out , after my birthday and I'm so happy with him but still a little worried .

Ashera POV
"Oh my god I'm so bored !!" I whined as I buried my face in the pillow , I got out of the room , and went down stairs , it was dead silence , no one was there .

"When are the boys coming back!" I whined "They were supposed to come back at 10 ! And now it's 11!!" . I ran upstairs and took my IPhone . And dialled Harry's number .. After seconds he answered but hung up immediately ! "Huh!!" I heard the front door creak , I ran down stairs and glared at the lads , while they're talking .

"Where's my frappuccinoextracramellessicemediumsize!?"I asked them . My hands on my hips tilting my head a little .

"Calm down" Louis said , raising his hand as a defence .

"Here you go" Harry said emotionless , handing me my drink "And please calm down"

"YAY!!" I cheered "Thankyou , thankyou soo much" I said , Niall and Zayn started laughing "What?" I questioned them .

"If only you saw what we saw , you'd be rolling on the floor laughing " Niall and Zayn said between laughs .

"What ever!" I said "Wait .. Where's the straw !?" I added .

Harry handed me the straw , we all went to the living , and sat on the couch . I sat in the corner of the couch and Lou sat beside me leaving a space so Harry can sit between me and Lou , Niall went to the kitchen and brought him a drink and Zayn grabbed the TV controller and scrolled the channels , while Liam looked over Harry as he closed the door and stared at him.

"What took you so loooong" I asked and started sipping the drink .

Harry looked over at me , and his phone rang "Sorry but I have to take the call ..." He said and went up .

I was confused .. What did happen , I placed my drink on the table . And got up , but what caught my attention is the TV , I sat once again .

"New coming news Dave , right ?" The blonde woman asked the man beside her "Yup Emma !" He replied "Well as we all know the famous boy-band in the world ?" He added , the woman beside him which I think called Emma eyes' widened "Could it be one direction !?" She asked in a big surprise "Yes it is !" Dave said "Well it's shocking news .." He said and glanced over the papers "Why don't you tell us the news ?" Emma asked "As we know Harry Styles from One Direction is dating Amy Watson" he said and kept silent for a little bit "We'll tell you after the break" Emma said with smile on her face .

I realised what he just said , and looked over Zayn "What-wait - Harry .... I'm confused"I said "What is it Ashera?" Zayn asked "Who's Amy Watson ?" I questioned Zayn , he looked at the floor then at me "How come you don't know her?" Zayn said "She's Harry's girlfriend" Niall said , but after a couple of seconds of dead silence , there was a door slam twice , I jumped out of my seat "Or I shall say EX-girlfriend" He informed me . I looked over Liam and he just walked upstairs , and Lou sitting in his place in another world .

We stayed in the living room for half-hour of dead silence and just the TV airing the show , the show informed that Amy ... Whatever and Harry had broke up last night by a phone call .

I stood up and went to Harry's room and knocked the door "Come in" Harry said coldly , I opened the door and closed it behind me . Harry was lying on the bed , his face buried to the pillow , I walk toward him , and sat at the corner of the bed "Harry I've heard about it..."I said , he didn't reply by anything "Would you please tell me about Amy?" I asked him reaching for his shoulders , but he rolled , facing the ceiling , he raised his hands up in the air , and started to draw circles in the air "Amy ... She's the nicest person I've ever dated , she's got a good personality , you would like her immediately , and her looks ? .. She got a good sense .. No amazing sense of fashion , the way she dress , ow she rhymes .. I don't know if the word is used for the sentence , but she can rhyme and pice of cloth with any other , short curly brown hair .. Her smile is so nice it just usually make my day , every detail in her is .. I don't have a word that describe her self she's more than perfect .. I'm in love with her ... But there's this one thing that I want to erase it from her" he said as he stopped drawing circles in the air "What is it Haz ?" I asked him "Her fear .." He answered "Fear of what ...?"I asked , he shrugged "That dating a celebrity might tear her heart like before.." He said , as tears began flow down his cheeks , I wiped the tears out of his cheeks "It's okay Harry" I said and kissed his forehead , he held me by my wrist "Why do you treat me more than a brother ?" He asked "I ain't Harry's just that I wanna know what do you feel .. I don't want your hopes down .. And don't forget I'm here for help also , and not to forget I ain't a child who doesn't care for other people's feelings " I said , and guess what ?! He smiled , and I smiled back.

"Now cheer up !"I said with a wide smile on my face and standing in superhero pose , he chucked a little , and got up of the bed , and headed to the bathroom , I walked outside the door to see , the boys standing eyes widened "WTH" I shouted in shock "Don't stand like this go down !" I shouted , they all went down I sighed , and went down "Just how the bloody hell did you let Harry say all that?" Louis asked , I raised my eyebrows "Magic~" I said but then laughed "wut do you mean ?" I asked "Well Harry doesn't usually says his problems or anything like this to anyone not even Niall" Louis explained "Hey Lou!" Niall shouted , I chuckled "I don't know .. I just simply asked" I said smiling "Or as I said before MAGIC~" I said "You sure are weird" Zayn said brushing my hair "Yup" I said popping the P , and everyone else laughed .

A/N : no votes ? No comments ? ... I-it's okay .. Actually who said I wrote this for you it was actually for my fun and not for you!

Nah just kiddin oh BTW goys would you please give me ideas for chapter 11 I already thought for chapter 10 it's gonna complete this chapter so please ideas .
You may also tweet it to me @Bayanalfosail

Cover by : trustyourparabatai

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