Chapter 11

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Chapter 11

"Liam .. Can I don't wear the beanie .. Please?" I asked and gave him puppy eyes "NO .. You have to wear it even if Paul's with us" He said getting in the car and sitting beside me "Bu-" I was cut off "NO is a NO , Ashera" He said "Okay Okay" I said , and folded my arms pouting "You may take it off .." Liam said "REALLY!!" I shouted almost jumping out of the seat "When we get there" He added , I looked down at my feat and thought for a moment , I looked at him and nodded , the rest of the boys got into the car , once they got in the car went noisy . Zayn sat next to Liam , making Liam in the middle , Louis and Harry sat in the third raw , leaving Niall only one seat which is the passenger "Wait ! Why am I not sitting in the passenger seat?" Liam asked , Niall and I laughed , I reached my hand to Niall's hand "High Five , Niall!" I said , and I gave him a high five "While we're getting home I'll be the one who's gonna sit in the passenger seat" Liam said , and all of us laughed .


We reached there in couple of minutes .. Well actually about ten minutes , ofcourse since I was near the door , I opened it and ran outside to Nando's , and thankfully it wasn't crowded . Actually only few tables were which only four taken , which was strange , but who cares !? , I smiled to the waiter "7 people" I said to the waiter , before she could say anything . The people recognised us they walked to us and asked for our signatures .

I walked upstairs , and chose a rectangle table , near the window , the boys followed me making a little bit of noise , I sat on a chair that was near the window , I took off my beanie and jacket immediately , Liam glared at me "I said , you may take off the beanie .. But not the jacket" Liam said pointing a finger at my jacket "But Liam!" I whined "No Ashera .. You have to wear it , and it's cold today .. So it's a must" He said , I wore my jacket again and stayed there for moments not making any sound . Liam sat down on a chair which was a little far , well not that far .. But I shall say far , Zayn sat beside him , and Niall sat the opposite of me , while Harry sat beside me and Louis sat beside him , Paul sat at the end of the table , he didn't want but we forced him .

The waiter handed us menu , I didn't even look , because I know what I'm going to order , Harry looked at me "You already know what're you gonna order?" He asked me , I nodded my head "IT SEEMS WE HAVE TWO NANDO'S LOVERS!!!" Louis shouted and laughed so hard , all of us laughed . But then I stopped "Who's the other one ?" I questioned , in a matter of a second all of their faces dropped , but then they turned their faces to their menus , except Niall who looked at me , closing his menu "Ehm... Ashera?" Niall questioned "Yes Niall" I replied "Just .... Just WHAT PART OF THE WORLD ARE YOU !?" Niall shouted , jumping out of his seat , I raised my hands to my shoulder as defence , but then putten them down and smirked , he then sat down looking at me confused "Wut?" He asked "I am in the part of the world that has leprechauns and ponies" I said giggling , he smiled and laughed .

The waiter came and asked for our orders , they all said their order , and I was the last to say my order "Can I have one Chicken Breast Fillet Burger" I said my order to the waiter , after writing it down , she asked for our drinks , and everyone said their drinks .

Time Skip~

"Everyone got his passport?!" Liam asked all of us who were in the room , all of us nodded except me "P-passport?" I questioned , Liam looked at me "Oh yes I forgot !" He said searching something in his suitcase "I forgot to give you your passport" He said "Wha- when ... Never mind" I said and took it and took a look in my name "Ashera Smith ..." I frowned a little "Ashera's something wrong?" Harry asked , I looked up the passport , I shook my head still frowning "You sure ?" He asked "Yes , nothing's wrong" I assured him , I let out a sigh as the frown fades "Flight SH115 is now boarding , in gate 12" I heard and looked at the flight ticket "Hey guys that's our flight!" I said "What- really ?" Louis asked "Yeah!" Liam said "Hey guys I think we should hurry.." I said "Why?" Harry asked "We'll just walk" He added "No . The gate is twelve and we're sitting in the cafe thats near gate 20" I said "Wut da" Niall said .

Time Skip ~

All of us rode the plane , the plane took off about half an hour ago "Um Ashera didn't you say you were afraid of heights?" Zayn asked me , I looked at him and nodded my head "But..." "I said I was afraid of heights not flying in an airplane" I explained to him , and resumed the game , but I got interrupted by Niall , who was poking my back , from the seat behind me "So is it the first time for you to go to America , right ?" He asked , I shook my head "I've lived there for two after my parents died" I said "What" he said "I got adopted in America before , by British parents who are originally living in London, they flew back to London , then after three months they abandon m" I said "And this is how I reached to London" I added , and resumed the game , leaving Niall's eyes wide and speechless , I really don't mind telling anybody about it , but still I get a feeling that is weird , suddenly my eyes get heavy and I fell asleep .

Time Skip ~

"Ashera !" I heard a voice calling me , I was inside a hall a big hall that had mirrors everywhere , my name was being called , but there's no one in the hall , I shrugged , then suddenly it was a black out , I heard Zayn's and Liam's voices calling me , but I couldn't see them cuz all I saw is black , then suddenly i felt that I was laying in something hard , I can't move anything in my body , I tried everything suddenly I heard a sound , a sound that everybody fe, a sound which is a sign that the heart stopped beating , I heard Niall's voice 'Oh no .. A-Ashera?' I wanted to answer but I couldn't , Louis shouted my name , then I heard clippings that were fast , the clippings were getting near and near , then there were alot of sounds , the one that I could hear perfectly , was Zayn's , he was calling me .

I opened my eyes , I rubbed my eyes for better vision , I was still in the plane , when I first saw Zayn , I pulled him into hug , and cried in his shoulder but in a low voice , Niall looked over Zayn "Is she alright?" He asked "I don't know , tears were falling down her face , and she was moving so I decided to wake her up , I think she had a nightmare" Zayn answered "Oh , well it's okay Ashera" Niall said and patted my head , I pulled back , and looked over Niall and smiled weakly , I looked for Liam "Where's Liam?"I asked "He went to the bathroom" Harry answered , from the seat in front of Zayn "What about lo-" "He's sleeping" Harry interrupted me "Oh.." "Passengers please get back to your seats and fasten your belts and turn off all the electronics ; The plane will land"The flight attended said , I frowned , Zayn looked at me confused "I don't like the plane landings" I explained "Oh.." He said , Liam went back to his seat quickly , I giggled a little at his reaction .

Time Skip~

It's now 7:00

We landed , we've waited alot for our bags , because we came early but we didn't ride the plane early ... I'm really speechless of us , okay so I'm sitting in the hotel room , everyone's got his own room , except me and Niall we had to share our rooms , I sat on the bed , and took out my mobile and connected to the hotel wifi , I opened twitter , and saw the followers WOW my followers have increased 10000 , since the last time I opened it which was a weak ago , I stretched throwing my iPhone from my hand .

I guessed that I should open one of the websites that I usually used to open when I was orphan , by using the computer that all of us had bought by the money we get , I opened , and didn't really what I wanted to read so I just wrote 'One direction' , and the first thing the came out was 'Please Don't Go - Larry Stylinson Fan-Fiction (One Direction)' I was confused .

What's that thing 'Larry Stylinson' ? I looked over Niall , who was so into his Laptop , I got off of my bed and walked over to his , and sat beside him "Hey Niall" I said "Yes?" He answered , shutting down his laptop "Um .. What's Larry Stylinson ?" I asked , he giggled "Go ask Harry and Louis" he said "Why- wait why are you giggilig?" I asked , he bit his lower lip , trying not to laugh , "It's so weird you're asking this question" he said "And also it's so weird you don't know" He added "I don't know everything!" I said "But still you're living with us ONE DIRECTION and you don't know what's LARRY STYLINSON !?" He said I nodded my head "Well it's a bromance" he said "Watda . Huh?" I looked at him with weird reaction "It's a bromance between Harry and Lou" he said "And there are others , but Larry and Ziam are the most popular" He said "And what's Ziam?" I asked "It's Zayn and Liam" he said "What about you ?" I asked "See I'm gonna say this once , all of us and other one of us .. Like me and Harry is Narry , me and Louis is Nouis , me and Liam is Niam , me and Zayn is Ziall , got it ?" I shook my head .

After an hour of explaining the situation , I was shocked "I just don't know .. Just how .. These directioners-"

"Crazy Mofos"


"Crazy Mofos , that's what we call them"

"Since when ?"

"Um just let me check" he said and grabbed his mobile "You know .. I have no idea" he said , putting his mobile back , I shook my head , suddenly my head hurts and my i can't take control of my body , and after seconds I was in the floor unconscious .

Niall's POV

Ashera suddenly fell down , I rushed to her , she was laying in the hard floor , I didn't know what to do , words were trapped inside they couldn't come out , I picked her up from the floor and put her on my shoulder , and I rushed over Harry's room because it was the nearest one , I didn't knock the door or anything , instead I placed a hand on the door knob , and pushed the door , Harry was playing Xbox with Louis , Harry drowned his remote controller , when he first saw Ashera in my hand , he walked over to me "Whathappened" he asked quickly Louis came
over , and his reaction was the same as Harry's .

Cover by : trustyourparabatai

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