Chapter 12

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"Agh," I made a sound as I toppled over the three caked layer of suit cases set on the foyer. I looked up at the white paint of the ceiling that was slowly peeling off. I sighed, a very long one, as I clutched the passport against my chest like it held my dear life, like it'd vanish which what I really want to happen.

"This is really happening." I murmured to myself as I squeezed my eyes shut trying to deny the fact that has been bugging me ever since dad talked to me yesterday afternoon.

Yesterday, after hoping and praying that Craig wouldn't die in the hands of Simon and his squad, I walked a couple of blocks away from Craig's apartment building before letting myself in at some local café that dad texted me about.

After a hundred and three questions if I was raped or bullied or raped or joined a sorority or raped because of my hair that could probably be a nest of some bird and my ripped uniform and the bandage on my hand. After a hundred and four attempts on trying to stop my father from calling 911, I lied about not getting to wash my P.E uniform and I had to play rugby in my school uniform. Dad took the bait but then said those two words that literally sent my life spiralling down ten feet below the ground.

I couldn't believe that he said it  to my face.

It was the last thing in life that I wanted to hear but then again.....

"I'm leaving."

I shot my eyes open that was brimming with shitty salty water which I presume are tears.

What if he wouldn't come back? I said to myself. What if dad got tired of me just like mom?

I craned my neck to look at my dad in his peach button down shirt that mom had bought him a couple of years back.

In my eighteen years of existence I have only proven one hypothesis, true.

Everybody leaves and everything changes.

My mom left and it completely changed our lives especially dad's. He had always worn this we're-a-happy-family façade but you could still see the tear stains on his cheeks.

My best friend left and kissed me. Now, tell me if that doesn't change anything. He was my right hand. He can't do that but he did.

My only way to get to Reedley University left. Well, I left-forced to. I had called Mr. Bickler last night, calling the program off. Now, Craig will get to be set with a different school aider-as what Mr. Bickler says it- and she'll get to spend a lot of painful time with him. She'll get to hear him laugh, see him smile, hear his cuss and complains. Wait, how am I even sure that she'll be a she? There are a lot of smart guys too, y'know. Fuck, why am I even bothered if a girl gets to tutor him?

Shaking the nasty thought of Craig having this weird effect on me, we are down to that last person that I hold on to.


Who was just leaving.

Leaving. It's such a heavy word. Leaving a person is like taking a piece of their life and stuffing it somewhere that you're sure of they wouldn't find.

Leaving is forgetting.

And I was born to be forgotten. Swallowed by the Earth without even anyone to notice.

"So...after you over think about all this I want a real nice hug." Dad ruffled my hair which I rolled my eyes at.

"I wasn't, Christopher." I called him by his first name which I only do when I'm on the verge of breaking down after over thinking things.

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