{2:Gifted on a Sunday}

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Feeling the hot sun rays against my pale skin, woke me from my deep slumber. I gazed out the window, noticing the brightness that reflected off of my moms silver car. Movement caught my eye next door. I scooted closer to the window, reaching for my large glasses in the process, so I was able to get a better look. A moving truck was taking up the space of our neighbors driveway, a husband and wife moving back and forth with boxes, loading up their new house.

A gasp escaped my lips and excitement rushed through me. Holy shít. Out walked a teenage girl with little clothing covering her figure. I couldn't help but stare at her delicious curves that prominently expressed themselves through her lack of clothing even from my upstairs bedroom window. I watched as she danced around her dad, laughing as she did so and he just moved past her with a grin, until she took his hand and they did some type of waltz in their front yard. I couldn't rip my eyes from her. She was so much better than homework.

No! Niall stop thinking that way.

I let out a groan and stepped from my bed and stretching, peering over at the clock. Church was starting in 30 minutes and my mom is going to be mad if I'm not downstairs at a certain time. I panicked and rushed around my room, dressing myself in my Sunday best, consisting of baggy dress pants and an old polo shirt. I messily ran my hand through my blonde hair and made my way downstairs just in time because my mom was already making her way to the door until she spotted me.

"Oh Niall honey I was just about to call you down. Let's go." She mumbled, picking her keys up from the table and opening the door. We stepped outside and I casually looked over to the neighbors and saw the girl bending down to pick up a box and the excitement returned, my cheeks flaring in embarrassment. I tore my gaze away from her and proceeded to the car. Stop thinking about her and it will go away.

Luckily I was able to get my mind off of her and we arrived to church.

"Where's dad?" I questioned my mother.

"He had to go in for an early surgery."

My father is a wealthy surgeon and my mom is a chef who travels way to much. She was currently off this week and my dad continuously worked at the hospital. I never really minded having the house to myself, but I wanted to have a relationship with my parents, considering the non-existent one that we have at the moment. The only times I do spend with my father is when he works out and he forces me to join him, not wanting to be the father of a scrawny boy. On the other hand I never did anything with my mom besides joining her in church and she was only worried about my grades. I was a straight A student and she took pride in me for that, but that's the only thing she cared about.

I loved to learn and picking up new things excited me. I was eager to know any type of new information that I could get my hands on. I just wasn't able to grasp how to be popular like everyone at school. I had no friends and I never spoke to anyone at school. I was scared of most of the guys, they bullied me most of the time during school and I hated it. I was more intellectual than them and I know that I will always overpower them with my brain, but they were cool.....and I failed to be.

Maybe I should try to be different this year, possibly a new look? I don't know what to do. I've grown to love my style over the years, consisting of baggy pants and t-shirts that did nothing for me, but I liked it that way because I never drew attention to myself.Maybe try out for the soccer team? I'm so confused on what I should do this year. It's difficult to change when I doubt the result will be positive.

Maybe a girl will take notice of me. I felt excited to see the females that will litter the school halls. I can look but I'm unable to touch. I've had many crushes on the girls at my school, but it never went any further than a crush. I'm the nerd and they all know me as that since freshman year. I would probably choke on my own breath if one of them talked to me because I don't think I can say that I've ever talked to a girl, except for my mom. Shocking I know, but I have never gotten the courage to do so. Half of the kids at school probably don't even know that I'm Irish, which saddens me.

I followed behind my mom, as we stepped into Gods house. I noticed some kids from school, mostly the jerks that pick on me and push me down in the halls. One guy caught my eye, his name was Tony, glaring as I shied away from his evil stare. He's like the leader of the jerks and all the girls love him for some unknown reason to me. I wasn't going to stand up for myself, knowing a fight would start and I would seriously get my àss beaten. I might be a goody goody, but I feel rebellious when I curse in my head, it liberates me from the stress that builds up inside me.

I adjusted my glasses and sat beside my mom, staring at the alter. The mass felt long, longer than the ones before or maybe I was just anxious to go home and finish the books that have piled up in the corner of my room. I might complain about others calling me a nerd, but I'm aware that I am one because technically I'm smarter than everyone at my school and I'm unsocial. The basic definition of a nerd.

Finally the mass had ended, sending me into a surge of relief and excitement to get home. We hopped into the car and traveled home, my mom deciding to break the silence.

"So are you excited about school tomorrow?" My mom cheered, acting as if I was a child that was looking forward to their first day. I was excited for the learning aspect, but the social aspect confused me and made a large amount of dread wash over me.

"Yeah I guess." I spoke, looking out of the window, our neighborhood coming into view. My mom didn't take notice of my bummed state, too engrossed in her phone, as we made our way into our house. The neighbors weren't outside anymore, the moving truck gone from the pavement in front of their house.

I made my way upstairs, closing my door and plopping onto my plush bed. My fingers ran through my hair, ruffling it into a mess, as I kicked my shoes off. My blue eyes peered out of my window that sat facing our neighbors house, looking straight into their upstairs bedroom.

Holy Fùck.

There stood the girl again, the only clothing that lay upon her figure was a black lace set of undergarments.

Nerdy Niall in the house!

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